Chapter 6.3

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"Attacked by a werewolf you you say ?" The healer asked .

"Yes " Midgeon answered .

"How come is she perfectly healthy , then ?" The healer asked .

"You are the one who is supposed to know that "Midgeon argued back.

Ariel sat on a chair , in a corner of the healing room and Midgeon talked with a middle aged healer .  She just hoped that they realized that she could actually hear every single word . In this situation , her fingers looked pretty interesting , didn't they ? Ariel kept fidgeting around . She was so tempted to just throw the chair she was sitting on at the healer and Midgeon , for -they had been discussing the possibilities of her surviving for half and hour . 

From the corner of her eyes , she could see Leonard and Vedika trying to peek into the room through the glass door . She briefly looked their way and glared . The two made a motion of zipping their mouths as they vanished out of her sight . 

Suddenly , Midgeon and The Healer turned their heads to look at her , Slowly and in Sync . She felt like she was being inspected . She just wished to be Alice . Damn , where was the rabbit hole when you needed it ?

"So.....Miss Black , can you please recall what incident had taken place last night " Now this Healer was testing her patience .

" Nothing . I was just sitting at Home with Ice cream . What a wonderful day it was " Ariel replied . Midgeon glared down at her .

"Okay , I apologize for that . But , Haven't I already told you what happened last night for what- Six times ?" Ariel asked .

The Healer nodded , slightly embarrassed as he again went into a chat with Midgeon. At this rate , Ariel had crazy conspiracy theories going on in her mind . What if Midgeon and this healer were dating and only used her so that they can talk to each other without being caught cheating on their partners ? She then had to remind herself that this was not the time to think this . 

"So. You say you have a high pain tolerance , Miss Black ?" The healer asked .

"Yes , I do " Ariel replied monotonously . 

"Hmm , we see " The healer said .

"High pain tolerance !" He whispered to Midgeon . Midgeon took out his notepad for the tenth time and wrote it down in it . 

After a few minutes of medical inquiry , Ariel was finally treated with the wounds . She asked about the Bill , But The healer suspiciously told her that it was not needed . He just told her to get her name recorded at the reception .

Ariel headed to the reception . A Blonde Woman , not the same one she had seen when the first entered St. Mungos , was sitting there . She had long and thick Blonde hair up to her waist , and you had to admit she was pretty , despite looking as if she was in her in thirties . She was bent over her desk , furiously writing something with a quill . 

"Hello " Ariel chirped , giving a smile . 

"Good Morning " The woman said , as she finally looked up at Ariel . She somehow looked familiar . Ariel had no idea why , But it felt as if she knew her.

"I want to get my name in the records " Ariel said .

"Oh , Sure !" The woman said , pulling out a thick file .

"Your name , dear ?" She asked .

" Ariel Black " Ariel said .

"Huh ?" The woman said , looking up at Ariel , her bows furrowed . 

"Is something wrong ?" Ariel asked .

"No no , not at all " 


"So this , is the Ministry of Magic " Leonard whispered , in a daze , as he looked around the Place. A Huge Grey-Black place , with witches and wizards everywhere , A fountain in the middle , Files and posters floating in the air , and people popping out of the fireplace .It looked just as Magical as Hogwarts , If not more . 

"This way " Midgeon whispered as he led the three kids through the crowd .

Witches and wizards turned their heads to stare at them. Some asking Midgeon what kids were doing there. But all Midgeon did was shake his head as he continued walking and motioned the kids to follow him.

Soon they found themselves in front of a door . Just as Ariel was about to read it , the door was thrown open . A woman motioned them inside , bowing politely .

"Miss Hopkirk will see you in a minute "

Ariel, Vedika and Leonard seated themselves awkwardly on a bench in the office, while Midgeon Politely sat at the visitors seat. 

A few minutes later of Ariel nervously fidgeting, A door opened from the other side of the office. Sound of heels echoed on the smooth  marble floor and a Tall and slender woman, with her hair in a bun walked in. She had the pointiest heels Ariel had ever seen. She quietly sat on her table, and pulled out her glasses. Then with an emotionless face staring straight at Ariel she said -

"Good morning. Miss Black  ,Miss Malhotra and Mr. Rodgers, I suppose? "

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