Chapter 5

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Flashes of blue and green flew over the heads of the three teens. Hexes and Curses coming from all directions. "Stay down!" George yelled over at Tris who was trying her best to hide underneath a table. Fred and George casted spells left and right. They didn't know how to perform nonverbal spells yet so they were both at a disadvantage. "Stupefy!" Fred chanted. He caught one of the death eaters off guard sending him flying through the air crashing into tables and chairs. George was in a duel with the other death eater and Fred soon joined him. Both twins were now battling with Antonin Dolohov. Both twins casted the same spell at once. "Sectumsempra!" they yelled. And with that, the death eater was blasted into the wall knocking him unconscious.

Fred and George then walked over to Tris to make sure she was safe and unharmed. "Are you alright?" George asked as he crouched down beside Tris who was still underneath the table. "I'm fine. Are you both okay?" she asked as she slowly made her way out from under the table. "We're Weasley's, Tris. We're always fine." Fred answered. The three teens then slowly walked over to Dolohov's unconscious body to make sure he was still out cold.

"He won't be waking up any time soon." Fred said. And with that, George grabbed ahold of Trista's wrist and they made their way over to the coffee shops doors. As they walked out of the shop, they saw the headlights of their father's car slowly driving down the street. The three stood there and were waiting for the car when all of a sudden the shops doors opened causing the bell to ring and drawing the attention of the three teens.

It was the other death eater. He hobbled his way out of the shop and pointed his wand at the girl. George immediately took action and pulled her behind him. Fred tried to pull his wand out of his shoe but he wasn't quick enough. The death eater called out a curse but it hit George instead. The impact of the curse not only hit George, but since Trista was standing behind George, the impact from his tall figure knocked her down as well. They both landed hard on the ground with a loud thud. Luckily for the both of them, the death eater didn't cast a death curse. His intentions wasn't to kill the girl. That wasn't the job for him. That job would be up to You Know Who.

After seeing his twin and the girl he was supposed to be protecting, get knocked off their feet and both landing hard on the ground, Fred was finally able to pull his wand out of his shoe and start dueling with the death eater once again. Arthur Weasley witnessed the entire scene of seeing one of his boys and the helpless girl get thrown to the ground, while his other boy was dueling a death eater all on his own. Fred was casting spells left and right but was slowly getting tired and weaker by the second. Arthur had managed to jump out of his parked car and started to help his son fight off the death eater. A few minutes of dueling went by and the death eater turned himself into black smoak and disappeared into the nights sky.

"Are you alright son?" Arthur asked Fred. "I'm alright dad." Fred responded. A loud groan could be heard a few meters into the distance. George was trying to get to his feet while rubbing his head. He noticed Trista laying on the ground next to him and he quickly walked over to her. "Oww." she said as she rolled over onto her back and sat up grabbing the side of her head. "Tris I'm so sorry, are you okay?" George asked. He felt horrible for knocking Tris over and possibly hurting her. "I'm fine George, really. It wouldn't be the first time I got knocked down." she said giving him a slight smirk.

George then bent down to Trista's level and helped her back to her feet. "Thank you by the way." she said. "For what? Knocking you over like a domino?" George said as he ran a hand through his long ginger hair feeling a little embarrassed. "No, for protecting me from that man. If you guys wouldn't have come when you did, I'd probably be dead right about now." she said swaying back and forth with her arms balled up in her hoodies sleeves.

"You don't have to thank me Trista. I didn't even protect you last time you were hurt." he said. "What do you mean?" she said with a raised eyebrow. "I saw your mom hit you earlier. I wanted to tell her off as soon as I saw it happen, but Fred wouldn't let me go." "That was you two? I thought I saw both of you but my vision was a little blurry so I thought I might have been hallucinating." she said. "Yeah it was us. I wanted to help you, but Fred kept telling me not to blow our cover." "Well, thank you anyway. And thank you for coming on this mission to help find me. I know my parents really appreciate you and your brother helping find me." she said as her cheeks began to blush slightly.

Just as George was about to say something, Arthur and Fred came running over. "George, Trista, are you both alright?" Arthur said. "We're fine dad." George said as he looked down at Tris and gave her a wink. "Yeah we're fine." she said smiling up at George and then looked away. "Right, well, what do you say we get you back to our home and off of these streets Trista?" Arthur said looking down at the short teen girl giving her a warming smile. "That sounds great." she said smiling back up at him.

"Mum is so excited to finally meet you and so are the rest of the siblings!" Fred stated as the 3 of them piled up in the back of the enchanted car. "We've all heard so much about you and now that we've actually found you, everyone is very excited to finally meet you. Even our friends at Hogwarts have heard about you." " Wait, there's more of you? How many more troublemakers are there?" Tris asked turning to Fred. "5...7 siblings in total, but George and I are the only troublemakers in the family. Pranksters is the term we prefer to use." Fred said giving Tris a slight wink. In the next few moments, the car was now flying through the air, and Tris was in complete shock. She thought she was dreaming. "What happens if the other non-magical people see us?" she said. "Who the muggles? Don't worry, I'll turn the invisibility charm on." Arthur said. The 3 Weasley's and their new short witch friend, were all now flying in the enchanted car to the new place Tris would be calling home. The Burrow.

*Author's note: Hey guys, just wanted to clarify that not everything in this story will add up perfectly to what happened in the books or movies:) Thanks for reading!*

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