War Day 3: Let's end the hunt!

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I was really getting tired of this running around. Ever after Kurogiri teleported all away, I've been running around the city searching for the rest of the class with no luck at all.

Where are they hiding?

This is getting stupidly annoying!

I feel like they are toying with me!

I just want to end this whole thing at once!

I bet they are all together!

There is no way they would have created small groups!


Where is that spicy Dandelion?

Why is he not coming at me screaming DIE?!

Where is his charm?

Did I break him!

Ah come on!

If I knew that this is all that took for me to break him then I would have done this a lot sooner!

As I continued running around I finally found a light in room. Finally, after running around for so long, I stopped in mid track and took out my dagger. There was a person standing in the window too. Ohh how stupid the person was!


How can he just lean out of a freaking window looking around?!

Of course I saw him!

There is no way no one would have noticed the small light they have in the room!

What do they think I am?


I was for sure not that!

Well buddy you just signed your own death papers!

And off you go!

The moment I saw the person, I threw my dagger at them and they stumbled backwards falling out of the window. I watched Kurogiri come and pick them up, disappearing and teleport beside me giving me the knife back in another moment. Not only did I just get out the last class 1B member but I also found the rest of my class. It was stupid how Kirishima looked out of the window.

Me: Pffff- Oh hello there~!

Quite the curious one and dumb to say the least!

If someone falls out of the window.... They for sure didn't jump out of their own free will!

Not to mention stumble backwards because of the pain!


Didn't Momo or Bakugo or even Todoroki stop him?

What are they doing?

A trap?!


I looked up at him and waved my hand before running into the building with my daggers in my hand. It was now or never. However, I was not stupid to just go up and into one of their possible traps, no! I instead of completely going up, I went to a floor where I found a vent system hatch that was actually open and just vented the rest of my way. I needed to be careful since the building and the vent system were rather old but it still worked.

I won't fall for your traps!

I refuse to believe that Momo, Shoto and Dandelion are dumb enough to let me find them!

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