Chapter Twenty Seven- My Name Isn't God But I Still Want That Kiss

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A dull ache in my lower stomach region woke me up from my dreamless slumber. I tried to ignore the pain and go back to sleep until it hit me.

I was starting my period.

I was starting my freaking period while Xander was in bed next to me, and I completely forgot that I was due. God, I felt so stupid.

How could I forget?

I shoved the covers off my body and ran out of the room before I had time to check if I had leaked.

A sigh of relief left my lips when I realised I hadn't started yet, but that meant I would be soon, and from the ache in my stomach, I gathered it would be very soon. "No. No. No," I muttered as I rummaged through the cabinet under the sink for any sanitary items. How could I be so dumb not to grab any from my bag?

Today was not my day.

I couldn't even remember if I packed any, but I had to go and check.

I was quiet as I tiptoed back to the room, careful not to wake anyone up. We had a long night last night, so no one deserved to be woken up by me frantically looking for a tampon.

I snuck into the room and gently opened the closet door, cringing when it creaked a little. The minute I found my duffel bag, I began throwing my clothes out to find what I was looking for.

Just my luck, I forgot to pack any.

"Taylor? What are you doing?" A hoarse voice came from the doorway of the closet, and I closed my eyes in annoyance. Of course, he had to wake up. He must have been so confused to see all my belongings dumped in piles around me.

"Nothing, go back to bed." I turned my head to glare at him. There was no need for me to give him attitude, and I felt terrible instantly. He raised his eyebrow at my response.

His hair was a mess, but it was that kind of good mess that looked really attractive. Jesus, two seconds ago, I was panicking about starting my period in front of him, and now my mind was on his attractiveness.

"Clearly." He muttered dryly and took a step closer to me. "What are you looking for? I'll help."

"Honestly, it's okay." I carried on pulling my stuff out of my bag, hoping he had left, but then the sound of him clearing his throat told me he hadn't.

"You're looking for period stuff, aren't you?" If it weren't for the fact that I was panicking on starting at any moment, I would have laughed because of how he worded that sentence.

"No, I'm not." I didn't mean for my voice to sound so defensive, but as soon as the words left my lips, they confirmed his theory. "Ugh, why can't I find anything?" I groaned and slumped onto the ground beneath the messy pile of clothes.

Xander knelt beside me and tugged me towards him. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, making my focus no longer on my bag, but on him. "Look, I'll put my shoes on and drive to the nearest store to grab anything you need. You can wait here." His words took me off guard slightly. I wasn't expecting him to volunteer to go to the store for me. Usually, guys get grossed out by this kind of stuff.

"But won't that be embarrassing for you? Buying those kind of things?" Not that periods were embarrassing, of course. His eyebrows furrowed at my question, and I wanted to press my finger on the frown line between his brows to make it disappear. I hated when he frowned.

"My mama may have raised a douchebag, but she didn't raise a fool. I know how the female anatomy works, Taylor. If a guy gets grossed out by that kind of stuff, then they're just immature." Once again, I had learned that Xander wasn't the guy I had expected him to be.

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