Chapter 10

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^ a picture of my brother and I and also one of the pictures I described in the first chapter :) we were adorable, I know

This chapter is dedicated to my big brother, he's not the best brother who would buy you gifts at your birthday or give you sentimental bear hugs randomly. My brother and I may not have the tightest bond siblings can have and he's not the touchy type but he's everything I would ever ask for and I wouldn't change him in any kind of way nor would I trade him for another.

Nothing in particular happened and this chapter is for all the brothers out there that has given a decent amount of love to their sisters or siblings in general.

My bro doesn't have a wattpad account and I doubt he'll ever see or read this but I just wanna lay it out there. He's my brother and I love him for who he is, I wouldn't ask him to change because he's perfectly imperfect with all his flaws.

I love you bro and no matter how much I annoy you or make you wanna pull your perfectly styled hair out of your scalp, don't ever leave me or I'll haunt your ass. *cheeky smile* Thanks for not bailing on me bro, I know I'm hard to put up with and I'm really stubborn at times but thanks for not giving up on me. You made me who I am today and kept me out of trouble. Love you <3


I could feel the car spinning as the screech of metal against cement pierced my senses and the toppling over of the car as I was thrown into the embrace of the seat belt before it all came to a stop and silence filled the night but the problem is, a huge weight is on top of me and I'm hanging upside down.

I felt something wet sliding down the side of my head and my head throbbed and my eyes felt heavy but I can't shake off the feeling that I shouldn't be sleeping.

I felt my throat going dry when I saw the face above me and the dread settled in the pit of my stomach as panic surged through me.

I faintly heard my brother's voice telling me that a panic man is a dead man but he didn't say anything about keeping calm when HE was the one causing me to hyperventilate.

"No No NO! Bry? Bry?! No, this cannot be happening. You just have got to be shitting me right now! Bry?! Wake up, please wake up!" I pleaded and begged but no matter how many times I did, he didn't open his eyes.

I waited for the moment he'll suddenly form that smirk of his and say "Boo!" but it never came.

I sobbed uncontrollably and screamed myself hoarse. Yet I didn't feel a thing, I kept on screaming with what I have left, hoping anyone would hear me. The tears left my eyes as I felt sorrow filled my being and hope ejecting itself from my core.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP US! PLEASE! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE!" I tried thrashing around, trying to reach an opening. Anything.

I started choking in the midst of my panic and my whole body wretched as I made an attempt to keep it at bay.

My brain didn't want to cooperate since it was too busy worrying about whether my brother's alive or not.

"Bry?! Hang on! Don't leave me! Bry-"

I opened my eyes and shot onto a sitting position as my whole body quivered. It's just a dream. Just a dream, I chanted but it wasn't helping as I curled up into a ball and sobbed onto my knees. I tried convincing myself it was a dream but truth is, my conscience knew it was more than that and refused to acknowledge the lies that I was feeding myself to soothe my wrecked being.

I felt a hand came onto my back and started rubbing it soothingly before I flinched. Raising my head, I came face to face with Monic who was giving me a sad smile. I looked around and met the confused and worried eyes of the guys.

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