Sign 1 He Walked Out

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Edgar lay on the old and slightly dusty floor of the garage, his face laying upon a pool of blood. Skyler kept the microscope away and slowly reached his face, his fingers trembling. He held his breath as he brought his fingers near Edgar's nose. He was alive. Thank goodness. Skyler took a sigh of relief.

Skyler jumped up and quickly went out, looking around to find any possible witnesses, upon confirming his solitude, he closed the garage door and looked at Edgar. His blonde roots covered in red dragged themselves on the floor as Skyler pulled him away from the pool of blood. Then, he held him up by his shoulders, interlocking his arms around his armpits and dragging him down the stairs, covering the entire floor with blood drops. Soon, Skyler felt sleep coming, "Oh no, oh fucking no!" He left Edgar and ran towards the bathroom, splashing his eyes with water to keep himself away for a little longer. 

"Why the fuck did I do that?!" He punched his fists on the sink and suddenly, he heard a loud noise in the quiet house. He ran towards the staircase that lead to the basement. Edgar's body had slipped down the staircase and now rested at the bottom in the darkness. The stairs were slippery from the blood. Skyler pressed his wet hands on the walls and carefully walked down. He could hear himself breathing louder when he saw Edgar's half-dead body sitting up against the wall, covered in his own blood, his head bruised and blood dripping down his chin.

Skyler walked back up, calculating his steps on the stairs and brought back a first aid box. He cleaned off the blood with half a bottle of antiseptic and three packs of cotton and wrapped a bandage around his head, but the bleeding didn't stop and Skyler began panicking. He layered ointment around that wound. Wound so deep, he could feel his torn flesh with his fingers and almost see nerves moving in his head. He quickly hid that behind a huge chunk of cotton, pushing it against his open wound and wrapped the bandage tighter around his ahead, almost trying to squeeze his skull. 

He finally stopped bleeding. Skyler wiped his hands upon Edgar's clothes and got up. He ran upstairs, the blood on the stairs, the floor, the garage, everywhere, it had clogged and dried. He ran into the bathroom and threw up. 

Hard times were coming.

. . .

Glizzly lay on the roof of a car, his feet hanging down, smoking weed. Loud music played on the radio, fog covered the car. With big red eyes open wide, a smile on his face, he was just reminiscing on all the good memories in his life, this one would be one of them just blazed up on this car roof, the music seemed to be coming from a distance as if someone was playing it through the clouds with thunder breaking through his mind in between the music.

He can't close his eyes, because every time he does, he sees those blue-green eyes.
Cypher sat inside in the car, counting the money and took a few dollar bills to himself. He kept the stack on the dashboard and some bills into his pocket. He lit a cigarette and walked out, "Disco, if you done being high, we oughta get out of this shithole,"

An alias. A deception. Mistakes. Regrets.
But there were no fights, then what did he do wrong that made him lose him?

"Yo Disco, you passed out man? I ain't carrying your tweeze ass back home to your mother, kanker," Cypher pushed his shoulder and Glizzly opened his eyes.
"It's weird..." He looked at the blurry sky, which was a blue he had seen before, "Life doesn't feel real when I'm high out of my mind. My mind is empty but at the same time it's filled with thoughts it's complicated. I feel like I'm in a maze of happiness shadowed by a sprinkle of sadness,"

He got down and walked into the war through the open window. He struggled his way in and sat inside, grabbing the money and keeping it in his pocket. Cypher opened the door and sat in himself, starting the engine.
"Why don't you take the Blue drug you make? Weed is light as fuck man,"
"No," Glizzly coughed, "A real dealer never does his own shit,"

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