𝟔. 𝐒𝐮𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭

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A sweet and calm melody echoed through the dance room as the remaining students practiced their classical routine.

Kiarra peeped her head inside and lead the others inside with her.

"What brings you all here at this hour?" Sunghoon questioned after he turned off the music.

"Please carry on with your class. We're just here to join you guys." Kiarra explained and the man eyed at her with an unsure expression.

"Does anyone want to be my partner?" She raised her hand up and one of the students raised his hand up hesitantly.

"No thank you, she already has a dance partner." Soobin stretched his lips into a smile and held her hand.

"Would you care for a dance? My lady?" Heeseung bowed slightly and Seonhee giggled in response.

"Why yes young sir." She replied and gave the man her hand.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Beomgyu parted his lips as Kai stared at him.

"I think he's asking you to be his dance partner." Sunghoon chuckled as he took the hands of one his students.

"Why didn't you say so?" He replied and held Kai's hand which shocked him.

"We'll talk a bit while dancing so we can all get to know each other." Kiarra instructed as she faced Soobin.

"Have you ever seen a ghost?" She started with the first question while everyone started moving their feet slowly.

"No, I don't think so." Sunghoon replied with a chuckle and his students agreed one by one after him.

"Hmm.....so what are your interests or hobbies?" She asked further.

"Magic of course. Why else would be here?" A blond boy replied and his classmates nodded in agreement.

"That's really cool. I wish I could learn from your sir here too." Kiarra replied and glanced over at the handsome man.
"What's your favorite thing about your teacher?" She asked.

"He's really handsome." The girl who was dancing with Sunghoon replied immediately making him blush slightly from embarrassment.

"He's the best magician there is." One of the boys replied.

"I'm taking that you guys really enjoy studying here." Kiarra commented and they all agreed with nods and hums.

"But Hani here seems a bit lost doesn't she? Are you not liking this session?" She questioned the girl who was lost in thought.

"No Miss. Min. I was just lost in the music." She replied while looking down at her feet.

"It's fine." The woman answered as she stared directly into Sunghoon's eyes.

"I see that you're quite famous and liked by your students. Especially the girls." Kiarra emphasized the last word.

"I think it comes naturally." Sunghoon replied with a smile.

"I think you're a creepy pervert who likes young girls." Beomgyu retorted and Kai immediately broke into laughter that screeched in everyone's ears.

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