chapter twenty six: the ride home

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Absolutely not. You would have to brutally murder me before we EVER turn ourselves in. Well, now that I think about it, rumors will be rumors. There is no definitive evidence of what we did. I made sure we checked all the boxes. We covered our faces, wore black, and even made Devyn park far away.
Hold on.. We did make him park far away right? I'm starting to second guess myself now. I could've sworn we made him park far away but I'm not 100% sure. I'll ask Kate when she's finished with practice.

"There you are." Kate said, then wrapped her arms around me to pull in for a hug, "I was beginning to worry about you. What happened with Mr. Wilson?"

I exhale, "you don't wanna know. Let's just say... the usual."

"Oh..." She nods her head and looks down. "On a brighter note.." Her head shoots up, "guess whose parents aren't home today!"

Kate house with no parents is a recipe for fun. "Really?" I ask, " What are we going to do??"

She takes off her cleats, "well.. I was thinking we could smoke a little.. Or ALOT. Since you know, this is my only chance to do it AT HOME."

"Let's get stoned," I say with excitement.

While Kate changes into different clothes and grabs her bag I change the subject by telling her about what Devyn texted me.

"What!? How- why-"

I put my phone back in my pocket, "I know right."

She paces around me and whispers in my ear, "you know what will happen if the school finds out!" She looks around, "We'll probably be expelled or worse! There goes my chances at college."

Placing my hand on her, "We took precautions Kate, don't worry." I think back to that night and try really hard to remember if Devyn did park far away. "Uh. Hey. Do you know if Devyn parked far away from the school so his car didn't get on the cameras?"

"Yeah, he was in the parking lot, remember?" her head lowers, "is that bad?"

Yes, It's very bad. "No. Nevermind, don't worry about it." I walk outside the locker room. Good thing no one is around to see the terrified expression on my face. Honestly, we shouldn't have sprayed the school. Carrie's house was well deserved but the SCHOOL? What was going on in my mind when I thought of that idea?! I knew in the back of my mind it was a bad idea because that little voice inside of me was telling me not to do it... but of course, I told it to shut up and did it anyway. Now I dragged my friends into my chaos and It could really mess up their futures if the school finds out. And It's all my fault.

I need to fix this.

"Why did you run off on me? Meanie." Kate says, startling me. "C'mon let's go to my house."

"Are you sure your parents aren't home? They already hate me, so sneaking into your house while you're grounded is not a good idea." My little inner voice is telling me not to go to her house.

She grumbles, "yes! I know they won't be home until tomorrow. Just please.. Come with me."

I debate with my inner voice and win. "Okay... c'mon" I grab her hand as we start walking to her house.

The walk to her house isn't bad at all, the weather is nice today for the first time in forever. I feel the chill breeze go through my hair and I get goosebumps which remind me of when I'm in trouble with Mike. Which is sometimes bone chilling.

Finally, we are at her house and a good sign is that there are no cars in the driveway. Her older brother just went off to college, so now It's just Kate and her parents who live at home. We walk to her room and Kate blasts music as loud as it can go while she gets her secret stash of yknow what out.

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