Chapter 8

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Lupin and Tonks could still see by the look on Trista's face, that something else was bothering her. "What is it sweetheart?" Tonks said squeezing her daughters hand gently. Trista looked down at her now empty cup of tea and began fiddling with her sleeves. Whenever she was nervous about something, she would always fiddle around with something in her hands. She finally looked up at her now concerned parents and spoke softly.

"What were you trying to protect me from? And why does this so called 'Dark Lord' want me so bad?" she said. Lupin and Tonks looked to each other with similar expressions plastered on their faces. They wanted to keep all negative things away from their daughter but decided that it was time that she should know the real dangers in the world.

"Tris... the wizarding world isn't as great and glorious like you think. It's full of dangerous wizards and witches... Right after you were born, there was a war that went on that your father and I were a part of. We stood our ground for the school of Hogwarts and for the ones we love." Tonks said as she looked to Remus and held his hand. "In this war, were some of the most powerful wizards and witches of all time. Tom Riddle, known now as Lord Voldemort or the Dark Lord, is one of the most powerful wizards in existence along with his twin sister, Merida, who is now deceased."

Tonks took a long deep breath and Remus now took over. "Well growing up, your mother and Merida Riddle were best friends. But once your mother started dating me, Merida became jealous and held a huge grudge towards your mother saying she abandoned her. Merida changed into a completely different person and started doing dark magic along with her brother. They both became very powerful and one day tried to take over the school along with their followers which is where the war started. During that war, you were just born, and Merida took it upon herself to make sure you never lived as a way of revenge. She found out where you were being kept safe and cursed you right before we could get to her. The curse was, that as long as she lived, you would be dead and vice versa. We thought you were gone... She made herself more powerful when she used dark magic making it extremely difficult for her to be killed." Lupin replied and Tonks started once more.

"But luckily for us, the Headmaster of Hogwarts was powerful enough to stop her and put her evil ways to an end. He killed her causing the curse to reverse. Now that you are alive, she will remain dead unless you-" and she stopped. "Get killed?" Trista said causing a tear to drop from her mother's eye. "Yes, but this time the curse won't reverse again and you'll remain...gone." Lupin said looking down at his hands.

"So as long as I'm alive, she'll remain dead, but if I die, she'll come back to life and there's no other way to bring me back if that happens?" Tris said fiddling with her hoodies sleeves. "Yes." Lupin said. "And Voldemort knows that which is why he's still looking for you. He wants to bring his sister back and take over Hogwarts once and for all. That's the whole reason why we sent you away. It was until we could defeat the Dark Lord and his followers. We didn't want to put you in any harms way whatsoever. But he has disappeared and there have been no signs of him in a while, but we know he's still out there and he's looking for you, to kill you and to bring his sister back. But the Headmaster at Hogwarts thinks that it's time for you to start practicing magic. And we think its a good idea to. You need to learn how to protect yourself from danger." Lupin said.

"That's why when the Weasley's thought they had possibly found you, the Headmaster sent your acceptance letter to that address to see how the couple would react. So when they reacted the way they did, we knew it was the Jones' and we knew it had to be you." he said.

"So when do I start?" Tris said as she smiled at her parents. "Tomorrow... You'll go with the Weasley's and they can help show you where you need to go." Lupin said. "This is supposed to be one of the most exciting years at Hogwarts." Tonks said. "And why is that?" Tris said with a quirked brow. "If I told you that then it wouldn't be a surprise." Tonks remarked with a slight smirk on her face. "Fair enough." Trista said. They all stood from their chairs and gave each other one big hug. "I'm so glad you're finally home." Lupin said. "Me too, dad." Tris said and a tear then managed to fall from Lupin's eye. He never thought he'd be called dad again and to him it was one of the best feelings in the world.

Trista then walked out of the room and saw George sitting in a recliner. He made eye contact with her and stood from his chair. "How'd it go?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "Better than expected." she said fiddling with her sleeves once more. "You wanna talk about it?" he asked. "Not right now. It was a lot of information to take in. Especially the part where people are seeking to kill me." she said looking down at her feet. "Wait, what? Someone wants to kill you?" he asked with a look of concern on his face.

He hasn't known Tris that long, but he was starting to feel a little protective over her. "Yeah, its a long story but a lot of people are out looking for me to kill me." she said as she swayed from one foot to the other. "That's a bunch of rubbish!" George yelled out. The loud tone in his voice startled Tris. She hasn't heard that tone of voice come from the tall ginger yet. "Yeah, I guess it is." she said staring up into George's eyes. "Well, I'm not gonna let that happen." he said looking down at her short figure with her hazel eyes looking up at him. She began to blush slightly and looked away. "Thanks, George." she said after a moment of silence filled the room. His cheeks began to flush as she looked up at him once more with a gleam in her eyes. George then cleared his throat trying not to seem awkward and began walking around the room.

"Oh! I almost forgot! When we get to Hogwarts, I'm gonna be your tour guide. We've got to get all of your books, your uniform, your wand, and we have to get you some butterbeer." George said with that mischievous grin that's always plastered on his face. "Fine, but no tricks." she replied smirking back up at him. "Of course Trissy." he said. "Trissy? Why on earth would you call me that?" she said looking up at him. "Well its kind of a thing. Fred is Freddie, I'm Georgie, and you are now Trissy." he replied giving her a slight wink before walking out of the room waiting for her to follow.

Trista had said her goodbyes to her parents and the rest of the Order for the day and the two red heads along with their hazel eyed companion apparated back to the Burrow.

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