February weather (ch.42)

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Sat against an oak tree, one big enough to shade you from the shining sun, you breathed in the late winter air. Your legs bent up in front of you as a Gryffindor boy laid between them, his raven haired head lied on your stomach as he ran his hands up and down your thighs. His skin rubbing against the black fabric of your tights. Both of you still had your robes on over your uniforms, it was still too cold.

"The Velvet Underground or The Beatles?" Sirius asked smoothly , to which you replied

"The Beatles, however The Velvet Underground are criminally underrated"


"Bowie or Queen?" you asked, curious. Everyone was either a Bowie fan or a Queen fan, the odd exception of Elton John.

"Queen, but i do love Bowie" he answered surely

"Hm, i'm a Bowie kinda girl"

For over an hour now, a conversation similar to this had occurred. Questions back and forth about music and art and books. It was a lovely Thursday evening and after a day full of stressful classes, Sirius surprised you with a picnic near the lake. A place where lavender and daises and daffodils grew, even in the winter.

"You know, i once knew a man with a only three teeth." Sirius said out of the blue. You let out a cackle of a laugh as he smiled up at you.

"Fuck off no you didn't" you said not wanting to believe what he said but knowing full well it was

"I swear on Moonys life, that he was real. He had three teeth and was cross eyed. He'd stumble into the pub near James', every morning. Sometimes i'd go to the park and he'd be sat on a bench so we'd talk."

You loved listening to him talk. The glimmer in his eyes as he spoke about something, the smile that stuck onto his face, the dimples that surrounded his grin. You loved when he'd got so far into a story and he'd jumble all of his words together because he was just that excited to tell you. You loved everything about him.

Closing your eyes you completely surrendered to the moment. A smile was glued on your face, the sounds of leaves gliding against the ground, mixed with the birds chirping and the occasional noise of squirrels running through to the forest. So serene.

"I have a quidditch game later"

Ah yes, the much anticipated game of the season. The boys had been non stop ranting about it, James and Sirius arguing and arguing, both wanting to lead. For weeks now, they'd been arguing like a married couple. You'd hear one story from one boy and a different story from the other. You had barely seen Sirius, except for in lesson and the occasional breakfasts. As much as you'd missed seeing him, it was good to get some space.

"Yes i know, it's all you and James talk about" You joked tiredly, running your hands through his hair to which he responded with a light chuckle, titling his head back.

"I'd like it if you came to the game" he said with a twinkle in his silver eyes.

"Well, obviously i'm going, Lily never misses them and where she goes i must follow" Sharing a laugh with the other he stopped for a moment,

"Yes but i mean,well..if you went for me. I don't know maybe wear my jacket, at the game. You know like how they do in those American films" he hesitantly spoke looking up at you through hopeful eyebrows

unpredictable - Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now