Chapter 11

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„Hey, are you ready? ", you shout, hoping Lizzie would hear you. She is supposed to give an interview tonight and was therefore invited to a talk show. Her stylists came two hours ago and you haven't seen her since. Pacing up and down in the living room, you wait impatiently for her.
"Yeah, we're almost done.", Lizzie shouted back.
As she walks down the stairs, your jaw drops and it takes all your strength to close your mouth and not stare at her like an idiot.
"Wow.. uh, you look beautiful.", you stammer.
"Thanks.", she smiles sweetly. "Let's go, shall we?"

You arrive at the building the interview will take place and help Lizzie out of the car. Paparazzi swarm you immediately, but you guide her safely through the crowd and you two make it to the entrance.
You are welcomed by an assistant and he shows you a room, where you can wait until the interview starts. Lizzie sits down on the couch and you take a seat on a chair facing her. She's bouncing her right leg and you can practically sense the nervousness that radiates from her.
"Hey, you okay?", you ask softly.
"Yeah, just a bit nervous. It's always easier when it's an interview with your coworkers."
You nod in understanding. "Don't worry. It will all work out."
"Ms. Olsen?", the assistant asks as he opens the door. "The interview starts in three minutes. Please follow me behind stage."
Lizzie stands up. "Yeah, I'm coming."
"If you want you can stay here or take a seat in the audience. Whatever you like.", the assistant says to you, as he begins to leave.
"Well, in this case, I'll be watching you from the audience.", you say cheerily and follow Lizzie out of the room.
"Good luck.", you whisper and give her hand a quick squeeze before your ways separate.
"Thank you.", she smiles.

As you take your seat in the audience, you spot a certain blonde that you know too well.
"Kara?", you ask surprised as you approach her.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?", she wants to know as she turns around to face you.
"Elizabeth Olsen, I told you about her, right? Well, she gets interviewed any moment."
"Wow, that's so cool! I finally get to know her then!", she says and a big smile forms on her lips.
"Yeah I can introduce you to each other. But what are you doing here? I didn't know you are in town."
"Oh, yeah I'm not here for fun. I was here for the interview that just finished."
"With whom was it?", you ask curiously.
"Robert Jensen.", as she sees that you have absolutely no idea who this guy is, she continues: "He's the CEO of Jensen Industries. It's a company that develops high technology for the government and is, according to him, extremely eco-friendly."
"That sounds good.", you say and see the look she gives you. "But you don't believe him."
"No, something about him just gives me a bad feeling and I'll find out what he's hiding."
"That sounds dangerous.", you look at her worried.
"A little maybe, but it's my job.", She shrugs.
Just as you are about to say something, Tom, the interviewer, interrupts you.
"And please welcome Elizabeth Olsen!"
The audience applauds and Lizzie walks in and takes a seat next to Tom.
Your eyes are glued to her as Kara leans forward and whispers in your ear: "Hey Y/L/N, you have a little drool on the corner of your mouth."
Your glance shifts to her. "Haha.", you say and roll your eyes.
You continue to watch the interview and Kara comments something here and there to tease you.

After Lizzie finished her interview, Kara and you wait for her near the exit. She comes out of a room and you wave to make your presence known. Lizzie smiles as she discovers you but frowns slightly as she sees Kara standing next to you.
"Wow, she is really gorgeous.", Kara whispers in your ear, as Lizzie approaches you and you snicker.
"I know.", you whisper back. "All of my friends are."
Kara scoffs. "Yeah sure, "friends". She's not just your friend."
"Yeah, you're right she's also my boss.", you reply.
"That's not what I meant –", Kara starts, but you cut her off by greeting Lizzie.
"Hey Lizzie, you were doing great!", you smile.
"Thank you, Y/N", she says softly. Her glance shifts to the woman standing a bit behind you.
"Oh, this is Kara!", you explain and pull her closer to you putting one arm around her.
"She's a friend of mine. We were together in high school. Kara, this is Lizzie, my boss."
"Lovely to meet you!", Kara says and smiles widely.
"Likewise.", Lizzie replies shortly. "I thought, you don't have any friends."
You furrow your brows. Why is she acting like that?
"Of course, she has friends. Why wouldn't she?", Kara answers. "Y/N is like the best person ever."
Lizzie still frowns. She hesitates for a moment before putting on a smile. "She truly is. I just had her working so much for me lately and she never asked to have some free time. So I kinda assumed that she doesn't have something like a private life with friends."
"Yeah, well I do have one.", you say. Still sensing the weird tension, you continue: "Maybe I should bring you home now. It was a long day."
Lizzie nods.
"Oh okay.", Kara says sadly. "But maybe we can hang out one day!"
"Yeah sure, we can do that.", you reply and pull her into a hug. "It was so good to see you, Kara! Get home safely and don't do anything dangerous!"
"Will do, don't worry.", she winks at you.
"Bye, Elizabeth!", Kara waves as she walks towards the exit.
"Bye, Kara!"

"She seems nice.", Lizzie comments.
"She is! Kara is like the sweetest person ever. Always full of joy and hope.", you confirm her.
"You two are pretty close.", she states but more in a questionable manner.
"We are, she is my best friend."
"Just friend?", Lizzie looks at you with curiosity in her eyes.
"What else should we be?", you narrow your brows in question.
"Oh, you know...uhm more than friends?"
You burst into laughter.
"Do you ask me if Kara and I are dating? That's like the funniest thing I've ever heard."
Lizzie lets out a breath. She seems almost ... relieved?
You open the door for her to help her get into the car.
"Kara and I are just friends. She has a girlfriend by the way. So, no we are nothing more than friends." You explain as you sit down on the driver seat and buckle your seatbelt in.

Heyy guys! I hope you like this chapter! Don't forget to drink enough water and to take care of yourselves🥰
Love you and see you in the next chapter!👋🏻

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