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The garden grew and grew - most of the older flowers were already in bloom, and the newer ones were growing rapidly. White lilies appeared, and in response, so did my geraniums. Summer was coming up quickly, and that meant even less social interactions with the kids at my school. How would I be able to find out the secret gardener in the summer?

I decided I'd sit with my two new acquaintances in the coming lunch. They really were my first friends, and my only friends at that. Jade had her nose in a book about astronomy, and Erik continued to doodle in his textbook. It was just as awkward for me as it was for them.

"I've been seeing these flowers all over, do you know what they're called?" Erik asked me, flipping through his textbook to show me a doodle he made.

"Those are tulips. They're very pretty and easy to grow everywhere, so that's probably why you keep seeing them," I told him. He nodded and flipped back to the previous page, drawing more tulips. This gave me an idea - the next day, I'll plant tulips.

green // dragon quest 11's hero x reader// weird au? // brainrotWhere stories live. Discover now