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I went to the park in the middle of the day. It was the weekend, so the park was full. I was hoping to see the guy again, but he probably wasn't there. I peered into the planter boxes again. The once empty park was now full of beautiful blooms. I was so proud of the gardener. And proud of myself.

Next to the dahlia and cornflower we planted with our letters, a hyacinth start had appeared. It was good to know that the gardener wasn't too frightened. After all, he was still planting flowers. I sighed and sprinkled some cosmos seeds beside the hyacinth and sat, smelling the flowers. I heard footsteps approaching, but I knew it wasn't him.

"hey, hey!" came a kid's voice. I turned around. It was Kai and a young girl.

"Kaori wanted to say hi to you! She wouldn't stop asking me to take her to you. I told her she had to get better first. But now that she's better, she has something to say."

Kaori was hiding behind her older brother and stepped out. She had short brown hair in a bob cut and blue eyes. She reminded me of someone...

"Thank you for the plant! I watered it every day, a-and I named it!" her voice was hoarse. I could tell she just recovered from her sickness. "I named it sunny!!" she squealed. "And it's still a baby. Oh! And it's very tall. And I put it in a bigger cup. And I'm going to put it on the floor when it's bigger. It's going to be so pretty!!" she was very talkative and sweet.

"I'm glad you like it," I told her. "It's going to be beautiful, just like you."

"I'm beautiful? Thanks! My nanny says I'm pretty. He says my eyes look like his."

"Your nanny?" I asked. She nodded.

"Our mom works a lot, so she hired a babysitter for us," Kai admitted. "He's super nice. And he told me all these cool things about your sunflower. He really likes flowers."

"And he told me he has a garden!" Kaori added.

"He likes flowers and he has a garden?" I asked, wondering. Could he be...? "Tell me more."

"Well, he said he likes to plant flowers. He doesn't talk a lot about himself. He usually plays with us instead. Kaori talks over him a little too much, and he's not very loud anyways. So I don't know a lot about him," admitted Kai. All these things seemed right. Flowers, shy, gardens...

"He has eyes like yours? Your eyes are really pretty, Kaori. Does he have blue eyes?" I asked her, curious.

"Yeah! He has blue eyes, and he has brown hair just like me! Everyone thinks he's my brother when we go on walks. He's not my brother! I wish he was. Kai is boring." Kaori complained.

"Hey-!" Kai argued.

"Oh! Do you guys go on walks to this park?" I asked her. I was almost completely sure this babysitter was the gardener.

"Sometimes! We went a couple days ago. After school. He really likes this park. We look at the flowers together!" she exclaimed.

"Well, he sounds very cool. How about you two come with him here after school on Monday? I'd love to talk to him about flowers." I asked them.

"Sure," Kai told me. "He never gets the chance to talk about flowers anyways, because Kaori's always talking about-"

"See you monday! It's dinner time and mommy says we have to be back before dinner. Bye!" Kaori took Kai's hand and marched off into the street. She had so much energy, and I exhaled, drained. I could possibly meet him in a few days. I realized I'd made so many friends on my flower journey. I smiled at the flowers as they blew, and I walked back towards my house. 

green // dragon quest 11's hero x reader// weird au? // brainrotWhere stories live. Discover now