Chapter 15: Mad Queen

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      I looked into the silvery, gray eyes of the boy holding me. He had a charming face and beautiful, shiny, dark blue hair that flowed with the ocean currents around us. And suddenly I didn't even feel cold anymore. In fact, I felt like the sun had rested a hand on my shoulder and my hair was made of fire. In other words I felt ready to burst of heat with my cheeks feeling scorched like they never had before. "Never seen such a beautiful girl swimming around here alone before," he pulled me up. "You new?" I nodded my head a little and he smiled revealing his pearl-white teeth. "I could show you around, if you'd like. Even take you out to lunch first," he winked and I dusted myself off (even though I had nothing on me) a soft flush still visible on my cheeks. "That'd be nice, probably, and no offense but I just don't go out with guys I just met." I didn't tell him I didn't go out with anyone at all. "And I've gotta get this tray to the queen, your mom, right?" He looked shocked then I thought I heard him whisper,"No?" I grabbed the tray and he said,"Wait!" I turned my head slightly so I could glance him out the corner of my eye. "How'd you know she was my mom?" I shrugged. "Well, when I was swimming over here I heard the maids complaining about an annoying boy who wouldn't stop gallivanting around the palace and they had to chase after him every five minutes. So when I saw you I guessed, I mean why else would a boy not be training and in here. A cooler room, may I add." The sentence that I meant to be a joke became an actual question. Why was the prince inside of a cooler room? I started toward the door again when he grabbed my hand almost making me drop the tray. His hand was amazingly soft and he pulled me way closer than I would've liked. So close I could smell him. Cologne. I yanked my hand away by instinct and swam back a bit. Again the prince appeared utterly shocked,"You sure you don't wanna take me up on that offer?" He asked again. My breath got caught on the way up to my throat and I blinked. I'd never known anyone to say something like that before. It was everything revolving around embarrassing. "That is very nice that you would say such a thing, but honestly even if I did want to go out with you I just couldn't, sorry." I didn't say it was embarrassing for me.
You know the one thing I thought weird was that he so eagerly wanted me to go out with him. I mean I get it I'm irresistibly beautiful but he seemed so eager to . . . I don't know maybe it was just me.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the queen barking orders. "Where is my food? You slow poke buttheads. What is wrong with you! Imbeciles!" Inside of books and movies I had never imagined a proper queen would be calling people, forgive me merpeople, buttheads. But then again meeting this queen I'm not entirely surprised she would say such a thing. I started my way back to the mad queen thinking I thought I was crazy.

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