VI. Bust him out

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"Dad, there's an owl at the window, I'll go get it." James stood up and opened the window. "There we go." He gulped: "Those are my O.W.L.s!" "About time! Come here, my big Jamesie boy! You better have good results!" "Yeah...", James opened the envelope, "So, I got seven O.W.L.s:

Astronomy: A

Charms: O


Herbology: E

Muggle Studies: O

Potions: E

Transfigurations: E"

"What did you get Muggle Studies and Astronomy for?""Oh, Sirius was taking Astronomy, so I thought I'd join him.", James shrugged at his father."And Muggle Studies?""I-umm-you know, try something new."James' mother smiled: "Sweetie?""Yes?""I don't believe a word! It's because of that Lily-girl, right?"James' eyes grew wide: "Wha- no, it's not! It's- umm, not THAT!""James is in Lo-ove! James is in Lo-ove! James is-""Stop teasing your brother, Charlie, that's a wonderful thing! And Fleamont! Stop humming that stupid chant! I can hear you too!" "What? I wasn't humming James-is-in-Lo-ove!"Euphemia crossed her arms, "You were! Now, James, that's wonderful, okay? Don't listen to your sister and father!""But- I'm not in love with Lily! Then I'd be staying up at night, thinking about her!""That's why you couldn't sleep so well in the last time? Blimely! And I thought you were sick.", Charlie whispered to him innocently. "I-drop it, Charlie!""I won't! There's another owl at the window! It's probably my Hogwarts Letter!"

Charlie jumped at the window and took the letter: "Oh. Nah, it's for you James! From Sirius.""What does it say?""I dunno! I didn't open it, did I?""Just give it to me!""No, I'll keep it to me!" "Give. Me. The. Letter.""Ugh, fine! Here, catch!" The envelope soared over James' head, making him leave his chair to pick it up. James read the letter in silence before saying: "Woah! You should hear this!""What?", Euphemia asked curiously."It isn't good news.", her son replied darkly.

Dear Prongs,

I didn't get your letter. I don't know if you wrote one, but you always do, so... Anyway, I'm being kept prisoner in my own room, and I'm banned from post. I managed to send you this letter with Reg's help. I hate it here, but good news! I finally know the new lyrics of some muggle hits! Drives mum crazy, so thanks for the tip. Please rescue me!


PS: Did I mention I hate it here?!

"Oh! The poor boy!""See, James? Regulus isn't so bad after all!""I like your idea with the muggle songs!" The Potter family all said, nobody hearing the others' words, until Euphemia yelled: "Quiet! I'll send a howler to Walburga, maybe Sirius will hear it from his room.""Held prisoner in his own room?! He's overreacting, isn't he? I mean, I know his parents are bad. But...", Charlie looked at her brother, unsure, "he's always overreacting, isn't he?" James hesitated: "Sometimes, yeah..." He didn't sound very confident."We'll just bust him out.""Yeah, because that's gonna be so easy!"James smiled: "Maybe? I already have a plan.""What plan?""Sorry, I can't tell you, Messy Hair! Marauder's secret.""Hrmpf. Just tell me alright!""Nopedy-dope!""You're mean. Did you know?""Awwww, is itty-witty-Charlie-girly upseeeeeeeeeeeet?""Stop, James. You're annoying!""Why, thank you.""And I don't mean it as a compliment."

"I'll get the door!", James yelled. "Moony! Good to see you! Come on! Come on! I'll take your luggage!"Charlie raced down to. "Hi, Remus! How are you doing? Nice to see you!"Remus looked a bit startled: "Are all the Potters always so welcoming, or...?""Don't worry, we're always like this!" Remus smiled."Just ignore her. Come on, I'll show you where you're staying." James motioned Remus to follow him upstairs and Charlie yelled after them: "Oh, and Remus? Better ignore HIM! It's for your own good."Remus laughed: "Yeah, I learned how to handle him in the last five years!""I'm right here, you know!"

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