Fly Down

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Aleyna's POV

It has been forever it seems since I last saw Ivory. At least my other sister visits me on December twenty fifth. She is always busy and she does care enough to help me out with anything I need.

She is the only one that can find me. She watches out for everyone. She helps me know how the Angels have been. She tells me how my family is doing. We'll only the ones that are in heaven of course.

I couldn't believe that it is finally the day. It has been hard for all of them up there since the demons haven't stopped from breaking down the gates. It feels like I still couldn't do anything.

I am still facing my fear of abandonment that I have been feeling. It sucks when I have nothing that makes me care. I will live forever and there is no point in death for me.

I will be gone forever and I will never see my family. I want them to be here with me. I have nobody to care for except them and they aren't here. I thought they were supposed to be here for me. I just felt pain.

My soul has been crushed because they aren't here. I don't even want them here I just want them with me. I want my family back. I was laying in bed and I grabbed a pillow. I held it close in my arms.

I didn't want to let go to the little hope I had left. As tears rolled down my face I kept thinking on how Ivory never returned. She was supposed to return to me even if she didn't want to. I thought she loved me.

If I had wings they probably would have come out and hug me and keep me warm like a blanket. I would have been home the whole time with my family if I was like everyone else. I am basically a human. I am the real reason they were made.

I couldn't help but feel more worse by everything that my family has done for me in the past. I felt everything become more miserable. I closed my eyes hoping this would be a dream I would never wake from.

At least I would be peaceful and have people love me and try to wake me up. Instead I am here waiting for them to come to get me. I sighed feeling broken even more. I can't keep living like this anymore.

This is ruining my mind. I won't be able to be happy again. I need my family here. That would be the only way I can be myself. I closed my eyes and fell asleep after I got tired of myself crying.

Tehlia's POV

It is December twenty fifth and I was going to see my sister Aleyna. I was really excited since I was going down to earth. I have done my chores as a Angel. I have met the new angels that came to our home.

I have even introduced heaven to a few of them. I do the tours all the time since my family is busy. I am always reading books and making lists of things for everyone to do. It has been hard to keep track.

I set up heaven for people who deserve it. A lot of souls have been lost for some reason. It is sad since they also have no home for them in the after life. I mean they are all bad so I can't say anything against it. That's just how the rules work around here.

"Hey Katya" I say as I fly towards her. "I need your help to get to our sister" I said hoping she can help me. "It will be hard since they are still at the gates" she said thinking about it. "Come on you are an Angel warrior" I said to her.

"I know but our other sisters are out there" she said unconvinced. "Please Aleyna needs to speak with one of her sisters" I said pleadingly. "I know and I feel bad about this" Katya said. "Please" I said in a begging tone.

"Fine but come on we have to let you get past all of them" she said as she flew to the gate. I flapped my wings and followed right behind her. We got to the gate and I heard the crashing stop. That's the only sound I have heard since they were kicked out.

That's when I heard wings flapping down to the gates. There I saw my sisters walk closer to the golden gates. "Sister it's been too long" said Maryse. "Older sisters" said Nila. "Of course" said Leigh.

"Where is my twin" asked Arya from the other side of the golden bars. She tried to grab them as she asked me. I wanted to stop her since they would burn her but I couldn't help but do nothing.

Right before Arya could grab them Maryse put her wings in front of her so she wouldn't touch them. "Look who cares" said Maryse. "They don't see us as family anymore" said Leigh. "What" said Arya. I felt sad when she said that.

"We didn't have a choice from the stunt you pulled" said Katya angrily. I put my head down. "Arya is the youngest sister we have along with her twin" said Leigh. "Yet nether of you care for us" said Maryse.

"You put her here with Nila when they both didn't choose to be on our side" said Maryse. "Yeah yet we take care of them since you guys pushed them aside" said Leigh. "We didn't" I spoke softly. "They have your wings it is their right" said Katya.

She was mentioning that since she was part devil that she would stay with them for entirety. "We can't do this" I said to Katya. "I don't care they have their wings" she said abandoning them. "We will never open the gates" said Katya as she turned to leave.

"Trust me you will open the gates to hand us our other sisters" said Leigh. "That's a lie" I said. Katya turned to face them angrily. Maryse spoke with an evil grin on her lips "Then and only then will Tehlia will be able to fly down to earth."

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