New Credentials

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You didn't hide your excitement as you watched the hospital space station grow through the window. It was hovering over the planet Giva. When you had heard about a new space hospital opening up, you had practically begged your supervisor to get a transfer spot, and after a few favors, he surprised you after a long surgery with your transfer papers.

"Don't stay there forever," he winked at you as you read your papers, tracing your thumb over his signature. "I need my best doctor back sometime."

You knew you were his favorite. Technically, he had no favorites. Technically, you both knew he was lying and that excuse was total bull.

The transport shipped docked, the door opening. You stepped past the medical supplies and breathed in the crisp hospital air.

"There's our new doctor!" A rodian with blue skin and scrubs approached you with their arms up. They stuck out their hand which you gladly accepted. "I'm Doctor Risaan Da'or, the Director, but please call me Risaan."

"It's a pleasure," You replied genuinely. "I'm quite excited."

"Fantastic! I need more excited people here," Risaan winked. They handed you a grey hospital badge. "Your new credentials."

You examined the color, your picture and code number on the left, and a red circle on the right to indicate your job, trying to hide your ever growing smile. Risaan noticed and matched your demeanor as you clipped it onto your jacket pocket, gesturing for you to walk with them.

"This station is the biggest and most equipped in the system," Risaan explained as they led you down the halls. "We expect to become one of the Republic's main hospitals." You passed a room where a clone slept, his face bandaged. "We're already working at 40 percent capacity since our launch a week ago."

"That's amazing, where did you get all the staff?" You looked at the map on the wall as you passed it, trying to retain as much as possible.

Risaan shrugged. "Everywhere. There are always people who want to help but can't be soldiers. This is not only a hospital but a training facility where we can expand our medical division for the army and be a connection for transfers."

Risaan handed you a small datapad, pointing to the screen. "This has all the schematics of the station, including your quarters, and contact numbers for all personnel, along with some specific guidelines."

You flipped through screens intently. "Is there a significant difference in medicine on this station as opposed to a land base?"

Risaan shook their head. "Not from a medical standpoint, but living in space does change the way that, say, waste disposal occurs, among other things."

You chuckled. "Of course. Thank you."

Risaan smiled, stopping in front of a back room. The door opened and you found yourself looking at three young medics.

"These are three of our medics training to be fully fledged doctors," Risaan gestured to the three of them around the table. "They will assist you." They smiled. "I will let you get acquainted with them."

The door shut as Risaan left, and looking at them, you could see they were slightly nervous. You smiled at them. "What are your names?"

"Gravi," A young male Pantoran offered. "I'm a third year medical student."

The woman to his left waved. "I'm Ibarra, just finished my on deck medic training."

"I'm Cari," the smallest of them said, a Pantoran girl. She looked kind of like Gravi, and their markings were in similar places. Wonder if they're related .

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