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Anyone else a Kaeya x Albedo fan?

A few minutes has passed by, Y/n's cries eventually susided. Normally, she would have pull away by now upon realising her actions. However, something was telling her not to. His embrace felt nice and warm almost like hugging a big fluffy teddy bear. Y/n wondered when was the last time she feel this way? Was Blair right?

Sadly, Y/n has to pull back from the embrace much to Albedo's disappointment.

Slience engulfed the room as Y/n's doubts filled her mind. Was what Albedo said really true? Is she even worthy to be cared for?

"Do you truly mean what you said Albedo? Not that I'm saying you are a liar... I just have a hard time believing that someone actually... You know."

Albedo took a second to carefully chose his words.
"I'll have to admit, I only thought of you as nothing more than something to experiment and solve the mystery surrounding you."

"I-I see..." Y/n could feel her a sudden indescribable pain in her heart when those words were said.

"However, after getting to know you better, I realised you are much more than that. Don't let 'her' influence you otherwise. So don't say that you are not worthy to be cared for and don't let 'her' influence you otherwise. Promise me that." Holding up his pinky finger which he learned from Klee as a way to forge promises. Y/n though hesitant, wrapped her pinky finger around his.

" Who would've thought the Chief Alchemist of Monstadt would do something so childish."

" But he looks really cute doing so." Y/n thought back.

"Wait, what am I saying?!"

"Ahem..." Albedo suppresses his blush threatening to appear on his face.

" If you don't mind me asking, can I study you? There are still many unanswered questions I would like for you to answer."

"Oh, sure."Y/n simply said looking down, embarrassed.

"That katana of yours... It contains the corrupted god doesn't it?"

"Yes.... It does. What would you like to know about her? "

"I'm not particularly interested about the Corrupted god at this moment. I'm more interested in the fact that I was able to hold your katana. If you don't mind, could I hold it for a minute?"

This spark curiosity within her and hand over her katana to Albedo without a second thought. Albedo gingerly hold the katana, carefully inspecting every detail of the weapon. He once again sense the familiar unsettling aura that he felt when he first laid hands on the katana a few weeks back.

Suddenly he felt a head-splitting headache as flashes  of  a black dragon and the God of Corruption, together they wreak havoc on Teyvat.
The sound of a crazed laughter rang out slowly getting louder and louder.

Albedo hurriedly release of the katana from his grip, letting it fall to the ground. His hand pressed on his forehead instinctively as he tried to endure the throbbing headache. Which fortunately for him, susided after some time.

"Albedo! Are you alright? Sorry I shouldn't have let you hold the katana-"

"I think I found the answer..." Albedo mumbled.

Y/n titled her head and quirk her eyebrows in confusion.

"Since I know your sercret than it only fair if you know mine. I am made of chalk, to put it simply I'm a artificial human. When I hold your katana just now, I saw flashes of the corruption war, Durin and Blair was there wreaking destruction on Teyvat. When I first met you, I felt an unexplainable familiarity between us like we've met before even though I was sure we hadn't. "

Katana of Corruption  (Genshin impact! Albedo x Vessel! Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now