23. Halloween Imagines

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These imagines won't be fully thought out- just ideas for you to think of for some happy Halloween comfort <33

Happy Halloween!!

Apple dunking: In this game there is a tub filled with water and apples. A person will attempt to bite into and pull an apple out

-Imagine doing apple dunking with the Sidemen, and JJ getting so competitive to be the first to get an apple that you actually need to pull his head out of the water so that he doesn't drown.
-Ethan would try to drink all of the water in the tub so that he didn't need to resist the force of the water, stopping him from biting into the apple and pulling it out.
-Vik would try to bite the apple by the stem and pull it out by that, but they would keep breaking as he pulled them out- leaving him to quit in anger, still laughing at how his masterplan had been sabotaged by the slightly old apples.
-Simon would come out of the water with an apple, but also with his hair plastered down on his forehead. He hadn't cut his hair in so long, that his hair covered his eyes- and you laughed at him for looking like a 2012 "emo" Tumblr boy (lowkey love people who did Tumblr emo stuff tho- i stg they were some of my biggest inspirations)
-Josh attempts using suction on the apple to take it out- eventually just looking like he was making out with the apple, and made funny noises which you laughed at because it apparently sounded like a "blowj_b" dont know why ive decided not to write that word... meh, feels pretty uncomofrtable ig
-Harry had already put bite marks in the only green apple, pregame- so that when he went up to take his apple, he just rolled it over a few times before slotting his teeth into the holes and pulling it out with ease. If it wasn't for him telling you after the games, nobody would have known about his cheating.

Your Halloween costumes:

Harry and you would dress as Wallace and Gromit (minus the head coverings):

Harry and you would dress as Wallace and Gromit (minus the head coverings):

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Simon and you as the Nightmare before Christmas:

You and JJ as Bowser and Peach (idk why but onwards):

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You and JJ as Bowser and Peach (idk why but onwards):

You and Ethan as Jessie and Woody from Toy stories so that he can constantly make cowgirl and woody (as in PENIS) jokes:

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You and Ethan as Jessie and Woody from Toy stories so that he can constantly make cowgirl and woody (as in PENIS) jokes:

You and Ethan as Jessie and Woody from Toy stories so that he can constantly make cowgirl and woody (as in PENIS) jokes:

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You and Vik as fuckin' Bob Ross... Him as Bob in the wig and beard and funny little outfit, and you as a goddamn paint palette. Honestly, it'd be hilarious. Anyways, there's two pictures because I think this is weirdly funny and just kinda cute:

 Anyways, there's two pictures because I think this is weirdly funny and just kinda cute:

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You and Josh as Veronica and JD, Jason-Dean from Heathers

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You and Josh as Veronica and JD, Jason-Dean from Heathers... Imagining you two had just watched a musical of it at West-End- with you becoming obsessed over how hot JD was- hence you two threw together a last minute costume of Veronica and JD:

 Imagining you two had just watched a musical of it at West-End- with you becoming obsessed over how hot JD was- hence you two threw together a last minute costume of Veronica and JD:

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(plus this brings Josh back to his emo, teen roots of wearing leather jackets and band tee-shirts)

Tobi and you as a priest and devil. Don't ask why. I think it's really funny even though it isn't.

 I think it's really funny even though it isn't

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LMFAOOO LOOK AT HIS EXPRESSION AS WELL... YEP THAT'S PROPER TOBI COSTUME. Oh, and I don't like that devil costume so let's imagine it looks more like this:

Nevermind, all pictures of women dressing as devils for Halloween are super sexualised or frumpy.


okay okay, i know that it's February and this is a Halloween imagine... BUT LOOK, PROCRASTINATION WON AGAIN. So take a late imagine. Plus it's wholesome. Say thank you.


Started: sometime in October idk
Posted: 19th Feb 2022, 12.22pm

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