Chapter 7

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When I wake up, Xander is still sleeping. I don't wanna wake him up yet, so I make some coffee. Once I'm done, I will wake him up.

"Wake up Xander!" I yell.

"What?" He says, obviously still half asleep. He sees me and brightens up. "Good morning. Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yeah. Did you?" I ask. I pour two mugs of coffee, grab some milk, and sit next to him. He wraps his arm around me.

He takes one mug out of my hand. "I did. Slept like a rock." He knows I hate that saying, 'slept like a rock.' I mean, rocks don't sleep!

"Just drink your coffee."

"Okay, mom."

That did it.

I punched him in the gut. "Repeat after me, I am not you mom."

"I am not your mom." He repeats. I groan. I won't even say anything to stop him.

"Let's go see what everyone is doing." I suggest. I head to the door, coffee in hand. Xander follows me, then I realize something. "Xander, you have to put some clothes on first."

He shrugs, but he grabs his clothes from the closet, and he changes right in front of me! I look away. He laughs.

"Let's just go." I say. Beep. Beep. Beep. I check my phone. Jackie.


Gosh. Another party. I'm so not going.

"Xander," I say. "There's a party at Jack's tonight. Do you mind if I stay home? I'm still tired from last night."

"That's fine." He replies. Yay. I get some down time. Finally. "Do you mind if I go?"

"Of course not! Go ahead, have fun!" I say.

(Later that night)

Xander had left for the party over 4 hours ago. I'm worried about him. I decide to text Madeline.





I turn off my phone. Great. No one to talk to. Suddenly, there's a knock at my door.

"Xander?" I yell.

"Mmm hmm."

I unlock the door. Xander's at the door, but something's not right. Then it hit me, the smell. He had been drinking.

"Xander, were you drinking?" I ask. He doesn't answer. Instead he flops on my bed. "Xander! Answer me!" I scream.

I walk up to him. He pulls me up against him, and I can tell what he's about to do before he begins to lift up my shirt.

"Xander! Stop it!" I yell. Calm down, Iz. I tell myself. This isn't the real Alex, he's drunk remember? You can make it through this.

"Why not, baby? You know you want to." He replies.

"I don't want to! I'm 18! You're totally drunk! Go to sleep!" I urge.

"Fine. Only if you sleep with me." He says. I sigh, and crawl under the covers.

"But you can't do anything to me. And you know what I mean." I say.

"M'Kay." He mumbles, along with something that resembles 'goodnight'.

I close my eyes, but I can't fall asleep. You can make it through the night. I keep telling myself. Even if you stay awake for all of it. When I finally fall asleep, it's 2:30 AM. I can make it through. I know it.


I hope you like this chapter! I don't like it b/c Xander is drunk, but it felt kinda right. I would love for you to vote and comment and become a fan if you haven't already! :)

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