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It began to rain late one night as Mandy waited for the bus. She'd just got off a long weeks work and was waiting to go home for the weekend when a man walked up to her. "Pardon me miss?" The man started to say, "any spare change. My car broke down and I want to call home to let them know I'm alright." Mandy stood up and opened her umbrella, "here mister," she handed him the 50 cents she had in her hand and proceeded into the rain.

The man ran after her, "I can't take your cab fair." Mandy smiled to him, "I'm only a few blocks. Get home to your family." Mandy was about to continue on till the man spoke again, "it looks like you have room for two. Perhaps I can walk you home and use your phone?" Mandy nodded, "sure mister."

The two proceeded back to Mandy's apartment. The man was led to the phone where he called home where his butler picked up the phone, "Stark Residence." The man spoke, "Jarvis, it's me. Can you come to," Mandy handed the man a note with her address on it. The man then informed Jarvis of his location and asked Jarvis to bring him a change of clothes."

While the man waited he got to know Mandy and all her dreams and aspirations. It was also in this conversation that he learned Mandy didn't know who he truly was. "So what do I call you?" Ask Mandy. The man smiled, "friends call me Howie." Mandy smiled.

In no time Jarvis would arrive with the change of clothes. He and the man would excuse themselves to another room to have a private conversation, "Jarvis I want to sweep her away from this mess." Jarvis got wide eyed, "you just met this women. Sir, do you really think that's wise?" He shrugged, "I don't know but I found out she's a brilliant engineer and would be a great asset to Stark industries." Jarvis went and stood by the door, "you know the press will have a field day with this. New York's most eligible bachelor and this poor young thing doesn't need to get swept up into that." The man was about to speak when Jarvis interrupted him, "Howard!" Howard looked to Jarvis, "then perhaps we propose a plan. I can't lose her."

Jarvis had his back on the wall now. He was shocked to hear Howard like this, "if your serious sir. Now would be the best time. We can do it in the cover of night. The press thinks your vacationing in the Hampton's. They won't expect you back in New York for another week." Howard nodded, "Jarvis, what would I do with out you?" The two exited the room and went to find Mandy sitting reading one of her many books.

"Mandy," Howard approached her more, "darling, I have a proposition for ya." She looked to him with a big smile, "what is it Howie?" Howard could help but smile at her. She was everything he looked for in a partner. The perfect combination of brains and beauty. "I," Howard found himself at a loss for words when he stared at her. "Miss," Jarvis began to speak, "he wants you to come and work for his company." Howard spit out, "I want to give you everything." Mandy felt her cheeks heat up, "I just met you Howie. We are practically strangers."

Howard took Mandy's hand and squeezed it, "I know. I know this seems crazy," Jarvis butted in, "irrational," then Howard continued, "irrational, whatever. I just... there's only one thing I know for certain since we met and that is" Howard watched Mandy giggle, "I don't even know your real name." Howard stood up and went to grab the folded news paper of the kitchen table, "you're the first person to treat me like a human, as myself. If this changes your mind. I understand but," he handed Mandy the news paper, "the one things I know for certain is I want you by my side as this country goes off to war."

Mandy looked to the news paper and opened it to the front page to see Howard Stark face plastered there with a head line reading "new invention expected at Stark expo next year." Mandy looked up to Howard with wide eyes, "you're?" She looked to the paper and back to him, "you're so much more handsome in person."

Howard let out a laugh before sitting next to Mandy, "what do you say?" He placed his hand out and she took it. "Do I still get to call you Howie?" Jarvis let out a little chuckle, "a name to stay between us. Darling, please. What is your answer?" Mandy nodded, "a chance to work for you sir would be just swell. As for the other thing," she smiled, "what exactly did you want from me?" Howard squeezed Mandy's hand, "you showed me so much kindness in one moment that a life time could never begin to be enough to pay it back. I want you to pose as my wife. The whole town things I'm not in it. Perhaps you can say we met." Mandy stood up and walked to the kitchen, "at the peer watching the sunset?" Howard followed her to the kitchen, "what ever you want to tell them darling." Mandy began to prepare coffee, "the spark wasn't just one side." She turned to Howard and smiled before grabbing the cups.

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