- Chapter Forty Six -

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(Y/n) and Mina stayed in her room for a while. They were watching some random Christmas movie while eating their snacks. After the secret Santa name pulling, they were in a holiday mood.

A knock on her door made the girl jump. Mina placed her hand on her shoulder and gave her a comforting smile before getting off the bed and walking to the door. She peaked through the peep hole and smiled. "It's Mirio and Eri!"

She swung the door opened and picked Eri up in a tight hug. "Hello little bean!"

"Hi Mina!" Eri giggled as the girl spun her around.

Mirio waved at (Y/n) with his usual bright smile. "Heya!"

(Y/n) stood and waved back. "Hey guys. What's up?"

"We're going Christmas shopping. Want to come?"

"I could go for a ride. But Christmas shopping? Now?" (Y/n) asked as she went for her new coat and scarf.

"Well yeah! We need decorations and what not. Plus Eri wants to start looking for a gift for her secret Santa."

"I got Shoto!" Eri chimed gleefully. The three adults pressed their fingers to their lips, shushing her.

"Shh! It's supposed to be a secret, Eri!" Mina said quietly. "Don't let Todoroki find out!"

Eri held her finger to her lips and mimicked their shushing. "Oh okay okay.. shhh."

(Y/n) giggled as she zipped up her coat. "Well let's get going! I just need to put my boots on."

"I need to get everything on!" Mina panicked as she ran out of the room to her own next door. Eri ran and followed her to the room.

Mirio smiled and looked back at (Y/n). "How are you feeling, Aizawa?"

"I'm fine. Why?"

Mirio gave her a more stern look. "Are you?"

She took a deep breath and nodded hesitantly. "I will be, yes. Once Katsuki is home."

Mirio placed his hands on her shoulders and smiled brightly. His height towering over hers, forcing her to look up.

"Bakugo is one of the strongest people I know. He'll be just fine. Let's try and be happy and hope for the best for him, okay?"

She smiled softly and placed her right hand on top of one of his. "You're right. I just.. I miss him. "

"And he misses you. But he'll be home soon."

"Ready! Hey what's wrong?" Mina popped in holding Eri on her hip.

Mirio spun around and clapped his hands. "Nothing at all! Let's get going!"

He led the way down the hall and everyone followed in suit.

Mirio drove while (Y/n) sat in the passenger seat with Mina and Eri in the back.

(Y/n) kept her eyes on the window while the rest sang Christmas songs on repeat. She watched the snowflakes fall and cover the trees like a white blanket.

The cold weather made her Auto Mail stiff. Her mechanic instructed her to make sure she wore extra layers during the winter.

Mina wrapped her arms around the girl from the back seat and sang in her ear, catching her off guard. She giggled and joined in on the festive singing all the way until they got to the mall.

Eri was holding Mina's and Mirio's hand while (Y/n) tagged behind. As they went from store to store, she made sure to keep in mind what Eri was pointing out so she knew what to get the child for Christmas.

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