Something Wrong

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**Tina POV**
**March 26, 2016**
Its been 1 year and 2months and me and Qaun are still together i couldnt be more happier with anyone else. RaQuan is the man of my dreams, the one im in love with. The one i gave my ALL too the one i cried too. The one that held me, argued with, made love too, ride for and all. I stick up and cover for my man even when i dont know what im covering for, that is MY EVERYTHING . I still was staying in the house with Precious and did yall know we are FUCKING SENIORS! I dont think we ever told yall that but anyways Prom is ALOMOST HERE our Prom is in May though because the whole Seniors did some shit and almost got Prom canceld soo yeah. Me and Precious was chillin in the house we aint hung with the boys today ,but we okay with that just us girls. We was talking about everything her and Shaun still not together but she talks to this guy name James he go to a Private Rich White People School. She claim he all that but we will see. I gotta feeling im not goin like him.
**Precious POV**
So as yall know Prom coming up, me and Shaun arent together, BUT i do talk to this guy name James. He is really sweet smart and loving. He gose to a Private school we met at Satrbucks while i was getting me and Tina some latte's and cake pops (if yall know what them are) he started flirting with me tho so i gave him my number. We have been talking for 2 weeeks and im really starting to like him.
Anyways back to the story
So me and tina was chilling on the couch when got a text from Shaun
*message reads*
Um Hey its been about two months and i wanted to know could we fix what we had please? Im not the same scince that day, iknow i shoulf have told you, but i didnt know how, didnt know if you still would have said yes. Precious im soo sorry, i just cant do this. I seen you and that white boy walking. He makes you laugh, thats my job. Maybe you dont want me just know my feelings never have, never will change about you ❤
*end message *
The message was soo touching i was so shocked, but i cant, not untill that baby comes.
**La'Shay POV**
Yall dont hear from me much cause i mind my business, me and my nigga fine, job? Fine, im not stressing honestly ithink Precious need to stop being stuck up and take Shaun back, if the baby is his, leave him alone for a while. If not then she waisting time cause that nigga goin fuck around and leave.
Me and my Husband were laying on the couch watching ESPN when my phone rang, it was an unknow so i aint answer. The called 2 more times and i finally answered was a jail member .....why is somebody from jail calling me!?
Me:Umm Hello?
???: .......
Me: hello who is this!?
???:....its me.. your dad................................
Thought he was dead!!
Well Hes Not!
Update soon!!❤❤

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