Y/N 'Ken' Masters

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After the events of Ghost rider Y/N the people of Union,Y/N's friends and the villains are still a bit traumatized with how powerful and what he does so there either in deep thought or being comfort by the ones that weren't scared or didn't get freaked out has Vortex only stands on the stage looking at them

Vortex:Well I did not expect.........this......so to take away this thoughts your having right now how about we just go on to the next Y/N

Salem:I believe that would be the best option now right about now

Killua:Do it quick I think that almost scared Gon so mind changing it quick so he won't think about it


The lights turn off has the screen lights up and starts the countdown


It opens up showing the city of verse the sun shines bright on the many buildings that exits there but on the streets there is no one has a voice then speaks

"Y/N Ken Masters a young boy born powerless but did he receive disrespect because he was powerless.........................no he was actually well known why because he was rich but he didn't like that he didn't wanted to be known by that he's seen other powerless boys and girls in the world he seen how they disrespect them abs there families Y/N wishes he could help but he couldn't but this didn't stop him though out the years growing up Y/N always loved fighting and he always enjoyed helping people this two things made him decide he wanted to become a hero he trained his body and mind before going to one of the greatest schools in the world Union there things didn't go well after students knew he was powerless they bullied him and he was even cheated on by girls seen they only dated him for his money but while there were those who hurt him there are those who support him has he found friends there heck he even made friends with one of headmasters of union Azazel and teacher All might but while he was y being framed or bullied he trained and one day found a book that talked about a fighting style called Shotokan and ones he mastered each move he tested his skills in a tournament and humiliated all who fought him wining the tournament abs after leaving he quit Union and when a journey of unlocking more of his new found skills has through out his adventures his made other friends,rivals,enemies,humiliated those who hurt him abs broken the hearts of those who cheated on him has now after knowing what he must do he will now fight one of Union's champions abs face them in a one on one fight for the fate of there world"

After the man stop speaking the scene moves to the open stadium has people are cheering and fireworks are exploding has many powerless abs powerful people all sit there with some Union Union students and there teachers and headmaster all sat in the VIP has then Mic's voice is heard

President Mic:Hello Party people!!!! and welcome to one the biggest events in all of verse!! a battle between two of the most kindest individuals you could ever meet! a battle to decide the fate of not just does bien with power and those who were born powerless! a fight to decide all of our fates

People began to cheer louder has fire burst from both sides of both tunnels has figures seem to be coming out of them

President Mic:On the left side we have Union's chosen champion and successor to All might!! Izuku Midoriya!! Also known has Deku!!!

Has out of the tunnel from the left comes out a boy with green hair revealing himself to be

Has out of the tunnel from the left comes out a boy with green hair revealing himself to be

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