Falling Snow

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Prologue Part One

Snow is falling outside and I smiles to myself. I loved watching the snow fall to me it is the most beautiful thing in the world. Wintervale is the most beautiful place I had ever seen but I am only ten and had never even left my village. But this is paradise to me. I don't get cold not here anyway. My dad said that if someone were be away from the cold for a long time it would be difficult to rebuild tolerance to it. But I am an Ice dragon so it wouldn't be too bad for me to get used to the cold all over again. But then again why would I ever leave paradise.

"Tessa go get your brothers and tell them it's time for dinner."

"Yes Momma."

I get up and go outside to find my brothers. I want to play in the new snow but I need to get my brothers first. I see Neige flying overhead and I run to where he is landing.


"Tessa, what are you doing out here?"

"Momma say's it's time for dinner and you need to come home."

"I'll be there in a few minutes I have to unload the supplies I picked up."

"Ok I'll go find the others."

"Hey be careful the snow is starting to pick up I don't want you getting lost."

"I'll be fine."

I walk away heading to where I know Glayze is laying. He turns to me as I approach and growls.


"Hello Glayze" I growl back and scratch him on his head.

He growls again this time with pleasure and then licks me. I laugh.

"Can you take me to Icera?"

"Yes" Glayze stops moving and lets me get on his back.

With a few flaps of his wings we are airborne. Once in the air he fly's around the village and lands next to the edge of it.

"Hey Glayze what brings you here?"

"Icera Momma say's it's time for dinner and to come home."

"Tessa the snow is getting thicker what are you doing out here?"

"Telling you it's time for supper" I roll my eyes.

As if I could get lost in the village I'm not Nao. He's young so he gets turned around a lot.

"Glayze take Tessa home ok I don't want her getting lost."

"I know my way around the village."

Glayze opens his wings again. A moment later I am home Glayze lands net to Sleat who growls a hello to me. I growl the same to him and pet his head. Sleat is my father's Ice Dragon and I heard he and my father have been together since birth. It's rare for and Ice dragon to be with his human half since birth but it's not unheard of.

My mother's dragon Hayle has her head on Sleat's back. She's more blue than white but it's nothing uncommon. Most ice dragons are different shades of blue, white or even a light gray. The ground shakes when Frose lands. She earns a growl from her mother but the dragon ignores her and snuggles up to me. Frose is my older sister Iglis's dragon and the newest edition to our family. She's only been with us about a year now and is the youngest dragon here in the village.

"I missed you to. But you haven't been gone that long" I tell her.

Frose just growls as I pet her.

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