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October, which means autumn and Halloween, it's my favorite time of the year. It's also quite a spiritual time, the winter solstice is where the barrier between our world and the spirit world is the weakest.

It's been a couple of days since the ritual, I didn't go to school, I know it's bad for my classes but Lydia said she'll cover the notes part for me... I also didn't really saw Stiles and the others since last week. It's starting to get lonely in here. There was a pack meeting yesterday but I just could'nt go, I didn't want to actually and for once no one pestered me about it, which I was glad for. I going back to school tomorrow, wish me luck..


"Too much people.." I said internally while listening to Ashe with my earphones, walking my way through the hallways.. I went early to avoid the pack but seems like there's still so much people.. I just hope this day will go by peacefully.. But who am I kidding, I learned that this town is nowhere near peaceful.. I still arrived  in class in time and took my usual sit..


"Hi, is this sit taken ?" I slowly lift my head up to meet two deep dark orbs staring at me.

"No, it isn't.." I said back to him. I take time to take some glances at him. He's tall and built like a rugbyman, I can see a sharp jawline and clean-cut dark hair. And a smirk.. Wait what ?

"You're staring, be careful" he said smirking. I quickly turned my head away as I was caught looking a second too long.

"So full of yourself for a new guy". I just said sternly rolling my eyes.

"Oh, really ?" Still smirking. "I'm Zack by the way, what's your name ?" He said, a little playful light on his dark eyes.

"It doesn't matter" I said to him. I don't like fuckboys, and he seems to be that type.. I know beauty is not my lack, but I'm not comfortable being flirted with.

Soon the class was packed, as I saw Stiles and Scott enter the class, they both frowned as they saw the new guy on my right. I mouthed a sorry to Stiles, he usually sit besides me in that class.

"Hi to you all, a new student will be attending this class. Now if you can stand up and introduce yourself young man." The teacher said.

"Hi, I'm Zack Nielson, came from Oregon to have some of your California sun. Hope we'll get along. Especially you, cute idontgiveashit guy" He said looking at me and winked.

"Ew." I just said bluntly which resulted in Stiles and Scott behind me to begin to try not to laugh too hard, to which Zack glared at them as a growl escaped.. A growl ? As I'm concentrating I can sense it now, a supernatural, but it's not a werewolf... I dont quite know yet... His aura is very peculiar.

"Thanks for that..announcement Zack, and for your nice commentary Dylan... Well open your books p. 54, we'll continue what we did last week." The teacher said sarcastically before writing on his paper.

"So Dylan huh ?" Zack said looking at me. "Doesn't suit you but I'm fine with it"

"And I should care because ?" I responded.

"Come on, I'm trying to be nice here.." he said calmly. "Sorry if my flirty nature annoyed you earlier, you're just really pretty." He said smiling at me.

"Hmm.. Apology accepted" I rolled my eyes "Now focus on class please, don't disturb me I'm listening." I said to him looking in his direction, feeling his gaze piercing my whole body.

"Fine fine." he said sighing in defeat.


"Who's that guy ? Do you know him ? Why was he clearly hitting on you ?" Stiles frantically asked.

Peace and Quiet (Derek Hale X OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu