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The five of them visited Fred and George's joke shop in Diagon Alley. The twins would drag Diana out of bed and to the shop, where she would create many new items for their shop.

"Hello, ladies," The twins said together to Diana, Hermione, and Ginny, who were looking at the love potions.

"Love potions, eh?" George asked with a smirk. "They really work. Then again the way we heard you, sis. You're doing just fine on your own,"

"Meaning?" Ginny asked, knowing who they were talking about.

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" Fred asked.

"It's none of your business," Ginny snapped, putting down the potion.

"Mione, why is that boy staring at you?" Diana whispered, glancing behind them to see a light-brown-haired boy looking at Hermione with a smirk.

"I--I don't know," Hermione said, giving the boy a quick glance.

Diana took her boyfriend's hand as he came over to them and they went to find Ron and Sam. Ron was looking at something while Sammy was throwing a few Super Loud Escapes in his hand.

Ron turned to his twin brothers, holding up an item. "How much for this?"

"Five Galleons," The twins said together.

"How much for me?" Ron clarified.

"Five Galleons," the twins said.

"I'm your brother," Ron expressed.

"Ten Galleons," The twins said again. "For Annie, everything's free,"

Ron gasped as his brothers walked away. "Favoritism,"

Fred stopped and smiled. "Right on, brother,"

"Why do you get everything free?" Ron asked Diana.

Diana chuckled as she took the item from Ron's hands. "I made most of these items, Ronald. But I will pay for everything I get, including this for you,"

Ron's face lit up like a child on Christmas. "You're the best, Ana,"

"I know," Diana grinned, heading off to buy the stuff she got.

"Hi, Ana!" A familiar little voice said.

Diana looked behind her and saw Lane with his arms full of jokes. "Hey, Laney. How was your summer?"

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