Chapter 30: The right to be forgiven

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Kiyotaka POV

Kiyo: "have you seen it?"

Tatsuya: "yeah. Ichinose suddenly returns to school right?"

Kiyo: "good for her I guess."

Tatsuya: "I assume she will make a clarification now."

Kiyo: "right. But first, lets head to class."

Me and Tatsuya just went to class.

Timeskip, lunch break

I just went outside with Tatsuya to have my lunch break, eating lunch in the class is not so peaceful.

And we saw it.

A totally large crowd infront of class B.

Students from each grade are there, Sakayanagi and her goons, Ryuuen's goons. Even Ryuuen himself is right there.

Kiyo: "lets get closer."

Tatsuya just nods and we got closer.

Ichinose looked at us for a while until she finally took a deep breath and started speaking.

Arisu: "I wonder what will happen here, fufufu."

Sakayanagi finally spoke.

Shibata: "What are you doing here, Sakayanagi!?"

Arisu: "What am I doing here, you ask? Why, I've come to rescue everybody in Class B, you know?"

Everyone was confused by her statement.

Honami: "I wonder what you mean by that, Sakayanagi-san."

Ichinose spoke up from deeper within the classroom, surrounded by several of her classmates.

Kanzaki: "Wait, Ichinose. You don't need to get involved with this."

Mako: "Yeah! Don't do this Honami-chan!"

Arisu: "To start things out, congratulations on your recovery. In fact, I wanted to reach out to you earlier, but I've been quite busy studying for the exam. Nevertheless, I'm quite happy for you. You're just in time for the end-of-year exam tomorrow."

Honami: "Yes. Thank you."

The two of them spoke to each other from a distance.

It was perfectly clear that every single student from Class B was looking at Sakayanagi with hostility.

Tatsuya: "those class B bunch are looking quite tense."

Kiyo: "what can I say, its totally expected. Sakayanagi is the prime suspect after all."

However, Sakayanagi didn't seem shaken by their unity at all. Rather, she seemed to be enjoying the feeling of being in enemy territory.

Kanzaki: "You said you were here to 'rescue' us, Sakayanagi?"

Arisu: "Correct."

Responding to Kanzaki's question, Sakayanagi nodded and let show a bright smile.

Kanzaki: "Does that mean... you admit to spreading the rumors?"

'If you came here to apologize, I guess I kind of get what you mean by 'rescue'.' Kanzaki mumbled.

Arisu: "I'm not the one who spread the rumors."

Kamuro literally told me you're the one who spread the rumours but oh well.

Kanzaki: "...If that's the case, then what are you getting at?"

Arisu: "In the past, there were rumors saying that Ichinose-san was maintaining a large sum of points, remember? At the time, the school announced that there was no foul play going on, so those rumors subsided almost immediately."

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