Chapter 34🐰

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Jungkook walked as slowly as he could back to the apartment, he even contemplated pressing all the buttons on the elevator, but of course he couldn't.


Jimin left with Hoseok to see Delilah, of course he wanted to go, but he had a stupid final the same day. So with a heavy heart he made his way back home.

Why didn't he wanna go back? It's his home, where his boyfr- bestfriends? No.

That's just it.

Why don't we have a label, we're so obviously boyfriends, this is so stupid....

I miss Delilah....

Jungkook dragged his feet to the door. He made his way in as quietly as possible, but of course, he bumps into the new flower vase Taehyung put up in the hallway.

"Damnit." He whispers, steadying the pot.

"Jungoo-ah? Is that you?" A voice from the living room.

Jin. Probably playing Mario kart.

"Y-yeah, I'm going to bed, I'm tired." He squeezed his eyes together.

"I made dinner, I left yours in the microwave." Jin spoke a little softer.

"Thank you...hyung." Jungkook breathed out a little, finally making it to his room.

With a deep sigh, he threw his bag on the couch. His hands raked through his hair, they lingered on his head in frustration.

Shower, then bed. I hope Delilah is okay.....I hope she comes home....home..

Jungkook stripped out of his black ripped jeans and oversized pastel green sweater.

He stood underneath the shower, feeling the water run down, cleaning not only his body but trying clear his thoughts.

Should I talk to them? No. I can't, not yet....I miss them though.......I wonder what Jimin and Hoseok are doing, are they there yet? Are they talking? Did they make up? Did she not even let them in? Is she really pregnant? Is she happy about it? Does she miss I wonder who the dad is...we'll be happy either way, but....who. From Yoongi hyung's calculating she missed a month, meaning the month before, who was the last person she slept with? Was it during a shoot? No, we haven't done any breeding videos yet. Who was it? that was too far back, me? It could be, we did go swimming an- no I didn't finish inside...but the hot tub! N-no, that's a fake fact...I did hear Hoseok and Delilah about 2 months ago...maybe...but.....Jiminie or Tae...they had a threesome a little while before...God what does it matter anyway.

Finally getting out of his head he finished his shower. He stepped out, steam fogged up the mirror.

Gotta clean my piercings.


After his bathroom, routine; shower, clean piercings, brush teeth, have an existential crisis, skin care, he wrapped the towel around his waist. He was basically dry, so all there was left, was to slip into his pajamas and go to bed.

He stepped out of the bathroom.


"Oh fu- hyung." Jungkook placed a hand on his chest, "you scared me."

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