Ch.33 - Laugh Or Love, Die Or Try

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On this rainy March 27th day I was talking to my friend Elizabeth about this book and she guessed the entire plot in one go after months of me planning this story out and in five minutes she used her super mind reading powers in one fell swoop. Crazy.


So today's actually May 25/15. Crazy that it's been almost two months since I wrote this chapter. These uploads are really starting to catch up. Eeeeeeee. Anyways.

This acts as a part one of a two piece scene. Check out the other half ive already uploaded :) Enjoy!


There are unique moments circling at all seconds, minutes, and or hours of the day. Maybe its uncertain during that time to understand that whats unfolding is a divot in a windy path, a rock in a serene world, a change in steady steps.

Examples being when out walking in the park, or eating munching at a favourite cafe, chatting with friends in the mall, or at school, and it's progressing as normal routine, nothing much changed, when this person bumps into a strangers shoulder, or asks to borrow a pencil as the new kid in class, asks to sit in the open seat at a strangers table, or a tap on the shoulder thinking that it's someone else.

One second there isn't an interruption or introduction, then there's the commencing of conversation and a relationship bonds within few passed words. Unknowingly to both parties that the opposite person whom has just cameo'd in a new storyline of a new life, is going to change each others lives irreversibly. The roads have both joined and divided in course yet twisting together at the same time because they are that one person who's going to change the others life.

No idea as she shook a strangers warm hand, still in her sweats that one rainy night, trying to finish up her taco, that her world as she knew it was already changing. She hadn't a clue that the shadowed man standing uncomfortably at the door would be the one to comfort her nightmares, hear her secrets, and be that trusted one and only.

Looking back as the bond grows stronger, would she regret it all if it came to an end? Would he regret ever stepping foot in her families house? Would they see it coming when they were both so neck deep beneath it all? Like jumping into a flowing river packed with only a floaty and hope, being pulled along by the current, too caught up by it all in the moment to notice where it was heading, laughing, crying, healing, hurting, to see just what they had gotten into? What she had gotten into? Only able to see clearly when you clamber out of those swirling waves do you realize if it was all worth it or not.

The point is, which will she see?

Up or down. In or out. Win or lose. Breathe or choke. Laugh or love. Die or try.

She hadn't been able to talk to him all day.

Stuck in her seat, burdened by everyone else's presence, she was willed into silence. It wasn't so bad though. She could sit in a little huddle within her sweater, simply gazing at Robert as he spoke rhythmic melodies teaching on matters made completely interesting. The swinging of his hips as he walks, the wild gesturing of his hands, or enthusiastic comments he often ad-libs into his lessons--or so it seemed. Like the way some of the things he says seem so off the cuff, so random yet a poet fact of thought. Even when discussing simple things such as differences in paragraph structures or the power of word choice. He had their attention. Well. Most of the groups attention. There would always be the special few who were busy napping in the back or doing something else completely off topic like texting or doodling, stuff like that. Still he made it intriguing for those who cared.

The subtle glances that wash her way, eyes catching hers for a millisecond before breaking away. How he stays so unreadable while she fought off her raising blood pressure was a power of sorts. Every gaze of his was starting to send those little shivering waves through her core, almost always going red fighting against the urge tugging at her cheeks. Thankfully no one (but him) had noticed her heatstrokes.

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