Chapter Sixty Two

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The blurb is another amazing and beautiful mood board created by a reader! 🥰

Love it so so much! If anyone else wants to make their own please DM me them on insta and I'll include it in the next chapter! I might even think of making my own!

Without further ado, let's see how Chris and Y/n are doing...

Warnings: Light smut, angst, and fluff

• Third Person POV •

"I'm on my way now, Chris."

Tom runs to the street to grab a cab, he's still in Boston. But as soon as he found out what Nikki was up to, he was running to the nearest airport.

"No, no please enjoy your date night with Y/n, I'm sorry you even had to call me."

Chris calms Tom down on the other line, telling him, "no worries, Holland, just go get Nikki cause we both know who the one is for her."

Tom and Chris say their goodbyes as Tom finally gets a cab.

"Boston Airport please!"

Tom looks through the crowds of people in the airport, everyone going to their own destination.

"Is that Tom Holland?" People would say as he ran past them.

Tom ran to the only flight that was to fly to Italy.

He ran and he ran, thanking all that training he had to do for Marvel.

He reaches the gate for the only flight leaving for Italy at this time.

Everyone was still awaiting their departure, some listening to music, some watching a movie on their phones, and others typing away on their laptops.

When Tom spots the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.

The girl that makes his heart skip a beat and he doesn't know why, he kept it a secret for so long.

Because the truth was, Tom really liked Nikki the day she step foot on Chaos Walking set with her big sister Y/n.

"First class, boarding now."

Nikki stands, grabbing her bag and her carry on. A white paper in her hand as she made her way to the gate.

Tom ran as fast as he could, to her. Everyone staring at him like he was a crazy person.

"Nikki!" He shouts.

She doesn't turn around.

"Nikki!" He shouts again, and this time she takes off one of her headphones and turns to see who is calling her.

"Tom, w-what are you doing here?"

She's surprised to see him, because what kind of boy cuts though traffic and runs through an airport to try to stop you from committing a big mistake.

The kind of boy that loves you, Nikki.

"Remember when you asked me if I was okay with whatever we were doing being strictly for pleasure?" Tom randomly asks her, his romantic speech - everything he prepared flying straight out the window.

"Y-yes?" She looks at him confused.

"I said I was okay with it. But I'm not. I'm not, Nikki. Because I don't want this - whatever this is - between us to be 'just pleasure' I want it to be more. And that can't happen if you fly to Italy to be with Vince. I wanna be the guy you ditch everything for and start a new life with, if you stay, love, I can give you that and more, I swear to you - Nikki - I'll give you anything you want. Take you anywhere you wanna go. As long as I'm with you, I don't care."

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