Second Day of Tour

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{Sammy POV}

I really didnt mean to cheat on kylie... i was really drunk at the time.. today at the event im going to apologize to her in front of everyone hopefully shell take me back (btw were in mexico currently at the hotel and the room arrangments are the same and matt went back to LA because he had his football team or something)

I see Izzy laying on the bed while Carter is in the bathroom. "Do you think if I apologzied to Kylie at the event today she would take me back?" i asked. "Honestly... No i dont think she will but it depends on how mad she is." Izzy said. ..How mad is she is at me.. well probably really mad because i cheated on her but is she still not over that? "Do you think shes over me?" I ask Izzy, while carter walks out of the bathroom drying his hair. Carter asked, "What are you guys talking about?" "Kylie," Izzy said. "Man, you hurt her so much but did you hear shes dating nash?" Carter said. What the Fuck?!? kylie and nash? thats not even a cute couple... is this on twitter? /checks twitter and checks kylies twitter/

@gilinskyuptodate guys did you hear that kylie went on a date with nash? they are cute but i ship jalie better 

@kyliegilinsky yes its true nash and i went on date and thanks bae ♥ @gilinskyuptodate

the fuck?!?!?!? kylie and nash . together . alone?? no no no and no..this cant be. nash and kylie cannot be dating i going to go ask her /walks to her room and knocks on the door and kylie opens the door/

"whatever you have to say i dont really care so are you here to see jacks or me" kylie said i guess she is still mad....

{Kylie POV}

ughhhh why is he here... is he going to say sorry or something or is he here for jacks?

"looks we need to talk" he said i dont even want to hear his voice... "look I dont care what you have to say" i said while closing the door. he stops the door from closing with his foot "i told you i dont wanna hear it" i said "Please" he said "well let me think... no bye" i said while closing the door what does he even want to say ; i open the door... "Sammy wait" i said as he turns back "Can we talk now then?" he said.. "Oh no i just wanted to talk to izzy and i didnt want you to be in the room while i did so if you could just stay out here" i said while he looked at me "WHaT are you staring at?!" i said and my voice cracked "I miss those voice cracks" sammy said. "This is my first voice crack that you have heard from me so what are you talking about?" i said "yay your talking to me" he said. "oh my gosh go fuck your mom" i said while knocking on izzys door "kylie wait.. what is it that your want from me for you to forgive me?" he said while izzy opens the door "from you nothing" i said while walking in and sammy following... "Izzy i need help" i said while sammy was about to say something but izzy cut him off "sure with what" izzy said while sipping a glass of water "well theres this guy who is really annoying so how do i get rid of him?" i said while implying sammy "haha sammy stop bothering her" she said while giving sammy the ~the stare~ "thats not my actual problem hahaa i need help deciding what to wear" i said and sammy looked somewhat relieved not sure why though "hahaa lets go see what u have" izzy said while walking to the door. we get to my room and go in . in a unison jacks said "hey izzy" "hey" izzy said while we walk to my suitcase and izzy does her magic and picks out

black flower collared t shirt

blue jean shorts

black vans

izzy is litereally a secert fashionsita like seriously  anyways the limo will be here at 9:00am and its 8:15am. lets get skip me getting ready because that just 30 minutes of boringness i hear my brother say "kylie we're leaving" i had pre-packed my purse so i was all ready and i came out grabbed my bag and walked out with both jacks we took the elevator to the lobby and it was sooo awkward in the elevator no one said anything and once we got lobby everyone was there then the limo pulled up and i said "where sam" "why wanna sit next to me"he said. "no i just wanted to make sure i dont sit next to you" i said with an annoyance in my voice 

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