Chapter 25

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A single carriage driven by two horses rides down a gravel street, passing farms and towns, never stopping till they reach their destination. You shift and stir in your slumber, reliving those moments before blacking out, you hear Tubbo scream out to you, anyone to save him. His face is warped but his please reverberate in your subconscious until it becomes too much. 


You sit up with a jolt, scaring the kids near you. They stare at you; their eyes are puffy, red, full of fear and sorrow. You look at your surroundings, you're in a carriage peacefully passing green fields. You stare in confusion until you notice out of the corner of your eye. 

"you're awake...looks like Techno hit you pretty hard huh?" 

You snap your head in the direction of a familiar voice, Philza gives you a short nod. His voice sounds strained and his eyes look exhausted. Several of the youngest kids sleep around him, hugging up to his lap and arms. They feel comfort knowing he's alright and so do you, but you can't quite grasp that feeling of relief as guilt begins to weigh you down. 

"P-Ph...Philza...Tubbo...he...he's here right?" 

Your words are choked behind sobs as you try to say something, anything. But you feel you already know the answer when you see the pain in his eyes return, you can almost hear his soul shattering at the mere mention of his son's name. He doesn't want to cry...not again, he takes a sharp breath trying to blink away the tears before they swell up. He doesn't want to wake or worry the rest of his previous younglings. 

"he's not here...I'm not-...I'm not sure what happened to him. Well Techno told me but...I just can't believe him" 

He thought back to his unconscious state, he was in a dark room, searching for light when all of a sudden he could hear him, he could hear Tubbo scream out for him. He tried to run towards it but he could never reach it, the pleas of his beautiful boy fading away into the mist. 

"but I think he's gone…for real" He finally said before going quiet again. You could tell from how puffy his eyes were that he had been crying almost the minute he woke up. Your heart began to twist, it was your fault after all.

"If I...hadn't gone there, the hunters would've never found you all" 

The hunters had followed your mana using a special device that Philza even warned you about. You had led them there. Philza just stayed quiet, looking to the side, at the passing fields filled with livestock. He smelt the fresh air, the dust from the gravel being kicked up by the carriage and the wet grass from the recent rains, when a bee landed on his hand. He looked at it and smiled fondly remembering his son's laughter and cheekiness. 

"ya know…Tubbo loves bees' ' He chuckled bitterly " I made him this stuffed bee toy" Philza began a story speaking softly as to not awaken the little ones "oh he loved it, took it everywhere for 7 years. He cried whenever I took it away to wash it." He laughed, remembering his crying face and how it changed to pure joy when it came back. "Then one day he decided he was too big for it and told me to throw it away." 

You listened intently, trying to give him a sad smile while trying to keep it together. Philza was so strong. 

"So I did. I threw it in the bin, but you know what happened?" 

Philza looked at you with an amused look. 

"what?" You questioned, wanting him to go on. 

"The next morning it had disappeared from the trash. And when I went to check on him he had it wrapped in his arms, fast asleep." He smiled a bittersweet smile. Tears ran silently down his cheeks, he sniffed and gently wiped his already tired eyes but they didn't stop. He began to break down, no longer fighting it, he only sobbed into his hands. The kids woke up shortly after, squeezing and tugging on his fukata. They looked up at him.

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