Spin-off: Day 48

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Open the door and I'll tell you how much I love you too.

Her tears stopped from falling and her hands immediately came to wipe her damped cheeks. Finally able to fully comprehend Kise's last message, she wasted no second to leave her room and rushed downstairs.

The instant she opened the door, she was immediately pulled into a breathtaking hug. That familiar warmth, that familiar scent, that familiar sense of security..

"I love you, Kenlycchi. I love you. I love you. I love you so much. I love you.."

She wrapped her arms around him ever-so-tightly too, as if she would die without him near her. She cried and cried, an intense mixture of emotions was drowning her little heart. "I'm sorry, Ryouta. I'm sorry."

Upon hearing her vulnerable voice, Kise cringed in pain and guilt. He tightened his embrace and planted a gentle kiss against her curly hair. "Sshh. It's okay, baby. I understand you now. I'm sorry for all the things I said, I'm so sorry."

She shook her head, her face rubbing against his grey sweatshirt. "No, it's okay-"

"It's not." He interrupted, pulling away and wiping her tears from her left cheek using his thumb while his other hand was still firmly grasping his phone. "I didn't mean everything I said, I'm sorry."

"I said it's okay. I understand you too, Ryouta." She tiptoed and placed a brief kiss on his nose. "I love you.."

Kise's beautiful honey-coloured eyes moisted with tears. He softly smiled and planted his lips on her forehead, never breaking the contact. Ken closed her eyes, feeling his lips on her skin and all the love he was letting her feel.

"I can't breathe without you, Kenlycchi. I love you too much.."

They stayed like that for another few seconds before Kise's grumbling stomach shattered their moment.

"Was that-?" Ken asked with an amused chortle.

He groaned then immediately buried his face against her shoulder. "Don't look at me, it's embarrassing. I'm so hungry, Kenlycchi."

She tried containing her laughter by releasing a cough. Then another one. "Did you eat dinner?"

"I didn't, I couldn't eat anything since this morning. I was so preoccupied that I couldn't even feel my empty stomach-ssu.." He admitted quietly, still refusing to show his face.

"You idiot!" She pinched his side, causing the poor male to yelp. "You played basketball with an empty stomach?"

"Maybe that's why we lost.." He grumbled.

"So you lost again?"

At that, he abruptly pulled away. He crossed his arms on his chest then pouted his lips. "It's because I was so hungry and I didn't have energy-ssu."

She chuckled then grabbed his arm. "Yeah. Yeah, I know." Then she dragged him towards the kitchen. "I'll cook you something. What would you like?"

He hummed. "Hmm. Can I have Omelet rice please?"

"Sure, Sweetheart." Then she gave him a seductive wink..

..which made the blonde smirk sexily. "Don't ask for it, Sweetheart. I might forget that it's food I need."

She rolled her eyes then proceeded to open the fridge to get some eggs. "Just be a good boy and wait for your meal, Ryouta. That's all I'm asking."

"What a bummer.." He murmured but then laughed and gave her a salute. "Yes, Ma'am. Roger that."


Right after eating, Kise insisted on washing the dishes. Despite his looks, he actually knew how. Ken leaned against the counter as she watched the blonde concentrating on his task. He was very cute wearing that baby blue apron and determined face. The sleeves of his gray sweatshirt were rolled up to his elbows and he looked real adorable.

She smiled then inched towards the male, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting his cheek on his back. "It's already late, Ryouta."

He stopped on his movements then sighed deeply. "Yeah. I'm gonna have to go home again."

"I hate seeing you go though.." She mumbled.

There was silence for a short while before Kise turned around and kissed her full on the lips. It was gentle, sweet, and full of respect. After about a minute, they both pulled away to catch their breaths.

"Someday, we're going to live together in a house we'll call our home and we won't need to say goodbye to each other anymore. But before that, I'll show you and your family first how much I respect you, Kenlycchi."

What Kise said overwhelmed her, she couldn't possibly stop her heart from going wild inside her chest. "Thank you, Ryouta. And I can't wait for that day to come."

"Kenlycchi.." He started, giving her a serious face. "Promise me you'll tell me everything from now on."

She gave him the same look. "Yes, I promise."

"We'll fight together until the end."

"Yes, we will." She assured.

He smiled. "Promise?"


After another hour of sweet togetherness, Kise Ryouta left. No matter how they hated it, they had to part. But atleast they settled everything and fixed the problem that was getting in-between them.

No more lies. No more secrets.

Their love is stronger now and they know that whatever would come in their way, they'd be ready to face it together..


After taking a shower, Shinomiya Kenly rushed to her laptop to check if there were new messages from Kise. Then she gasped.

She was right..

There were new messages.

Not from Kise but from somebody else she knew so well..


Kasamatsu Yukio: Good evening.

Kasamatsu Yukio: Please don't block this account, Eah.


Kasamatsu Yukio: I just want to talk.

Kasamatsu Yukio: Please. We need to talk.


Kasamatsu Yukio: I'm begging you.

Kasamatsu Yukio: I need you, Eah :(

Kasamatsu Yukio: I still love you. So much.

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