10.2 - Mental Walls

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Lucinda's POV:
I walked right through lasers with ease, ignoring the loud alarm sound they made.

Blue key in hand, I dragged myself up the broken down escalator and over the wooden plank that served as a bridge for me to cross. Without thinking, I unlocked the blue lock and tossed it aside before opening the door. The sound of a familiar chainsaw filled my ears as I opened the door and stepped into the room. "This robot just won't leave me alone, huh?" I thought as I let out a slightly annoyed sigh and looked around the room.

Directly below me was a wine red carpet. Infront of me sat a counter that had an oven attached to it. To my right was a shelf that was empty, and to my left was a counter that had a vault on it. I assumed that I would need to find a key to open the vault, but I was proven wrong as I walked towards the counter. Instead of a lock being on the vault, there was a glowing green panel. "Huh, that's a first," I said to no one in particular.

Behind me was a counter that had a register on it, and next to it was a similar counter with a sink. A similar shelf sat against the wall a few feet away from me, and I noticed a glow from the corner of my eye. Curiosity took over me as I walked towards the glow. Sitting on the shelf was a crowbar. It seemed as though it was simply waiting for me to find it here. I picked up the crowbar before running my fingers along the iron, making them colder than they already were.

It was then that I realized that I most likely wasn't going to find a hammer in the mall. My eye then turned to the boarded door that I was familiar with. I put two and two together and came to the conclusion that if I couldn't find a hammer, then a crowbar was the next best thing. My train of thought was interrupted when the robot peeked into the room. The moment he set a foot into the room, I bolted out the door as fast as I could. I realized that I kept getting faster and faster each time I did this.

I was only able to take down one of the wooden boards before I found myself getting chased by the bloodthirsty robot once more. I was quick to slide down the escalator's railing and run back to the entrance of the mall. I could feel Zizzy's gaze on my back as I got down on my knees infront of the ATM machine. Using the crowbar, I forced the metal off of the machine and tossed it aside, just as I did with every lock that I opened.

Inside sat a golden coin. It wasn't a regular coin, however; it was an arcade coin. I tilted my head in confusion, letting my messy hair fall over my face like a curtain. "Why is there an arcade coin in an ATM machine...?" I asked mentally. I decided to leave it alone until I found a place to use it later. I sighed before slowly standing up and turning around. I pushed my hair behind my cold ears before forcing myself to walk, crowbar in hand.

I found myself walking over to the zebra, who leaned against the wall, fencing foil in her hand. Her face lightened up when I came in her field of vision. "Hey, kiddo," Zizzy started as she bent down to my height. I was surprised her knees didn't hurt from doing this so many times. "How's it going?" I kept gazing to my left to try and spot the robot before speaking. "I found this crowbar, but I was only able to take down one of the wooden boards on the door thanks to me getting chased by that robot," I explained.

Zizzy's stomach growled, and her face turned a light shade of pink from what I assumed to be embarrassment. I let out a heavy sigh in response. "I'm sorry, it's taking me a long time to find grass for you," I spoke nonchalantly, "I'll try even harder to find it." Zizzy placed her free hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently. I flinched the smallest bit at her touch, and she didn't realize it. My eye then met her amethyst purple eyes.

"Cindy, you don't have to push yourself so hard," she said, "You having me just standing here is hard enough for me to do." I looked down at my black boots as she spoke. I knew that she had every right to feel the way she did about me doing all the work. If our positions were swapped, I was certain that I would've felt the exact same way. "You shouldn't have to push yourself either," I refuted, "If anything, I'm nothing but another mouth for you and Pony to feed."

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