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Jennx's POV

I ran to tell Kaelum and Etienne what is happening at the gates. For a eternity they have not been in one place before. I got to them but once I said anything they started to mess around.

"Look it's the little Angel" they said as they looked at me. I am shorter than them but they like to call me this because I am always going to be a goddess. They say that I would never be up to it because I am not like my other sisters.

They have failed to catch my sister Desma so that's why they are forced to guard the little ones like everyone else. They are the protectors now instead of trackers. Katya sent Beto to go find Desma now. I shifted my hands around nervously.

"Are you going to help" I said to them but they just laughed at me. I had my head down because that hurt my feelings. "They can't get in so what is the point" they said sounding smug. "They are all together on one side" I said trying to speak up.

"That's all you could think about huh" said Kaelum. "You should stop worrying little Angel" said Etienne. "You will never be a good goddess like your sisters" said Kaelum. "Yeah you will only be a failure" said Etienne well he was agreeing to what he said.

"But" I began to say but I felt Etienne push me back. "Stop being a small desperate Angel who wants attention" said Kaelum as he also pushed me back. I looked behind me and there was my last step. I looked back to them scared.

"You know since nobody wants you as a goddess we might as well save you the embarrassment" said Etienne as he took a step closer. "Yeah let's get rid of her" said Kaelum. "No" I said but it was already too late. Etienne blasted my wings well Kaelum pushed me off the clouds.

I was falling down not able to fly. I kept falling and I landed on my back once I hit the ground. My wings felt bruised and they ached every time I moved. I was barely able to stand up. My head hurt from when I landed. It was very painful for me.

I couldn't stay awake because I felt my eyes begin to close. I tried to stay awake hoping that I didn't hurt myself to the point of my death. I just wanted more time to live. I started to feel tired when I should be awake but I wasn't.

I felt the grass below me I tried to hold onto it. I grabbed it tightly in my hands but when I looked up at the sky I noticed my eyes were closing slowly. I blinked one more time and after I closed my eyes. I had passed out.

Katya's POV

Etienne and Kaelum told me about Jennx going against them and they had to ban her from heaven. I let them go back to their patrol after they told me this. I sighed and brushed my hand in my hair. Why did my sisters make a mess that I can't clean up.

I was talking to my father and mother about the news after I had gotten it. They understood what happened and made sure to banish her. I wasn't upset anymore because this has happened before.

It was Desma, Laverne, Kahea, Calice, and now Jennx. They all had part of abandoning our family. They left us when we wanted to protect them. My other sisters betrayed us when they turned into demons.

The ones that stayed with us will always be our family. It just all depends on who stays at the end. I was with my father well we walked around. "Laverne has made a mess because she hasn't controlled her magic" said My dad. "I see" I said unfazed.

"I counted all twenty one daughters in total" my dad said happily. I nodded my head but I am pretty sure that there is twenty two of us in total. The only thing is that I am not sure who is the last one I am forgetting. I brushed it off not worried about them.

Who ever that sister is she might have betrayed or abandoned this family anyway so why bother to care when she didn't stay with us. I had my mind convinced and nothing would ever change that.

Aleyna's POV

I have been in my room forgetting about how the years went by. I do what I need to get money but than I come home and do nothing. My life has become less happy. I haven't seen anyone from my family for more than five years already.

I didn't want to have friends here because they all die. I did have one friend but she is up in heaven. My sisters might have told her nothing about me. Right now I am just wanting to forget my own existence.

It felt like the right thing since there is no way I can ever get to heaven. I can't fly and I can't die so both are not an option for me. I knew that I wasn't able to die so it made my heart a little bit happier. I knew that maybe they will come back to find me later.

Jennx's POV

I woke up and I jumped from where I was. I sat up slowly. I was out of breath the entire time. I had to calm myself down but my lungs weren't able to keep up with my breathing. I was completely standing now but I was holding my chest.

My heart was pounding and my chest kept going up and down. I felt a little bit better then I did before I passed out. My wings were broken once I saw them. They needed to be seen by a Angel doctor. I wanted to fly but my wings weren't able to do anything other than flap.

I tried really hard but I landed on the floor again. I felt my wing break even more and I cried out in pain. I heard a bushel in the bush behind me. I turned around and I saw a human looking back at me.

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