In The Dark

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"I'm so tired"

I pulled Athena close to me as she yawned into my chest. We were standing in a private room at the bar since her family had rented out a whole club for their after party.

"Tell your Dad that, babe" I said, wrapping an arm around her "usual, please"

The bartender slid a glass of scotch down to me and I caught it with my free hand, raising it to my lips whilst keeping an arm around Athena's waist.


We looked to our right to see Athena's Dad standing at the entrance of the room, calling me to him.

"I'll be back, baby" I kissed her cheek as she nodded, taking a seat at the bar.

I walked out quickly, following her Dad to a different part of the club, a part where serious conversations or business took place.

"Take a seat" he said, gesturing to a chair opposite him. It was only the two of us here.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes, everything's fine" he said, rubbing his hands together "I just want to ask a small favour"

I nodded my head, sitting back in the chair.

"Mattia, I haven't been the greatest Father to Athena. I haven't been there for her when she had boy problems as a teenager, I forced her to share my passion of acting and the film industry. I never really was a Father to her"

I listened carefully, watching a saddened expression grown on his face the longer he spoke.

"And I don't want that to be you. I want to be sure that I'm giving my daughter to a man who's never going to prioritise anything over her. I want you to give her the life I should've a long time ago"


"I actually moved here with my wife and kids"

"Oh, that's interesting" I said, handing the bartender my empty glass as he told me his story.

"Yeah it's funny cause my daughter-"


All the lights went out in the room. Several people started shouting and I heard glasses smashing.

"Roy?" I called out for the bartender as I stayed in my seat, becoming more afraid by the second.

"I'm here, Athena" he called back. I extended my arms trying to reach him but all I was hitting was air. I felt my chest getting tighter as my eyes heated up, it was pitch black and Mattia wasn't even here.

"Roy, where-"

A hand clasped over my mouth, forcefully dragging me backwards towards the person. I tried to scream but the hand was that tight on my mouth that no one would've been able to hear me anyway.

I tried to scratch it with my nails but the tears going down my cheeks weren't helping my situation. I couldn't recognise his scent but I knew it was a man because I heard heavy breathing. My head began to go fuzzy as I felt my consciousness drifting away.

What an afterparty.

a/n: filler lols :)

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