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I walked down the villages street and met some people and answering their questions about me and Jade. I answered them all and,thought about her. Her cute smile, her beutiful eyes, her courage, her beutiful hair and everyrhing else about her. She's perfect and....I love her (is this okay? Or am I making this kinda wierd? 0_0)

I smiled as some images of,Jade and me flashed in my head. I smiled and kinda blushed a bit.

My Village was burnt and before my parents died they told me to find the right girl, be strong and to never let my guard down. My best friend, who I forgot, fled or maybe died. I dont know why I forgot my best friend, its like someone erased my memories or somethin'

As I walked I was pushed to an alley way and was pinned to the wall. "WHAT THE HELL DUDE?!" I said as I tried to push 'em off me. He was stronger than me and punched me straight on my fabulous face.

"you took Jade away from me! And I'll make you pay for that" The man said. I couldnt see him properly cause he was wearing a fucking cloak. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I said. He chuckled and took it off. I glared at him and gritted my teeth. "JOSH!"

He chuckled. I tried to punch him but he teleported to the other side. Fuck I forgot his a damn sorcerer.

"STAY AWAY FROM JADE BASTARD!" I said. "Shes mine and will be, we were together first and you just butted in our lives! I love her and will always do since the first day we met! But she fell inlove with you?! Thats bull shit I'll get her back and fucking murder you" And with that he disappeared.

Oh shit! I must get to Jade quick or else...something bad might happen...


I was mining when

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