Chapter 16

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The maintenance personnel rushed quickly ten minutes later. When a beam of strong lights came in, the two consciously let go as if they had just woken up in a big dream. Zhou Jingze stood up next to the wall and raised his hand to block the dazzling light. His voice was extremely hoarse:

"I'll go to the bathroom."

Xu Sui went up to the twenty-third floor to find Hu Xixi and others. He opened the door. The two of them had been sitting there fighting for twenty minutes. When Hu Xixi saw Xu Sui coming, she was embarrassed to get up immediately and changed the topic: "Sui Sui Sui, eat quickly. If you don't come, the dish will be cold."

"By the way, where's my uncle?" Hu Sisi asked.

Sheng Nanzhou's mobile phone happened to have a message coming in. He took a look: "He said he had left in advance and the account had been settled. Let's eat."

"Sheng Nanzhou, are you stingy? How can you apologize and have my uncle to pay for it?" Hu Sisi sneered at him.

Sheng Nanzhou replied shamelessly, "It's not because my father loves me."

Xu Sui is thinking that people like Zhou Jingze have a good family background, talent, can do everything skillful, and occasionally frivolous.

In front of people, there is a unique clamorous physique in front of young people, but in fact, they are modest and steady. They will say "hard work" to the landlady of dumpling shops, and notice that girls can't drink cold milk when the weather is cold, and they always quietly settle accounts when friends have dinner.

It's not surprising that such a person is given a lot of love. How can he get claustrophobia?

Xu Sui remembered that he lived alone in Amber Lane, a big house that would not light up often.

"Baby, what are you thinking?" Hu Sisi stretched out five fingers and shook them in front of her.

Xu Sui came to his senses, took the juice at the table and took a sip of cover-up. He smiled and said, "I'm thinking that you've finally made up."

Zhou Jingze disappeared for a whole week, or disappeared in Xu Sui's world. Xu Sui will browse his WeChat Moments several times a day, but he sends everything. The latest news was three months ago.

Xu Sui occasionally captures Zhou Jingze's sporadic correlations from Hu Xixi's words, such as "I heard that Sheng Nanzhou was the penultimate in the flight technology theory examination, but his uncle won the first place", "There is actually a man who confessed to Zhou Jingze today!"

Usually, Xu Sui listens quietly while feeding the cat.

On the weekend, Xu Sui was rushing to Sheng Yan after class. Sheng Nanzhou knocked on the door and said, "You don't have to go to school rehearsal this week. You can go directly to Jingze's house later. His family also has a piano room, and it's convenient for you to go there."

"Okay." Xu Sui answered.

Xu Sui added to Sheng Yan and went downstairs after making up for the class. He found that Hu Xixi and Da Liu had already been waiting for her. The group followed Sheng Nanzhou to Zhou Jingze's house.

Sheng Nanzhou pressed the door twice and did not respond. Instead, De Mu barked in the yard. Sheng Nanzhou stood in the fence and jumped twice and shouted, "Master Kui, go and wake your father up!"

Demu barked at them twice, opened the glass door with his feet and ran all the way upstairs.

Zhou Jingze appeared in front of them with a sleepy face. He was in gray home clothes, with drooping eyelids and a tired look, but his expression was not very good-looking. He looked like who dared to call him his master desperately.

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