Chapter 70

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After seeing Zhou Jingze off, Xu Sui thought a lot. She is a passive person. Xu Sui dares not be with him again.

Because Xu Sui had insomnia all night before, she turned pale and had a blue eyes when she got up the next day, so she had to wear light makeup to go to work.

Throughout the morning, Xu Sui was a little sleepy when he sat down. Finally, he went to the bathroom to wash a cold water face before cheering up.

At noon, Zhao Shuer took Xu Sui to the hospital canteen for dinner together. Xu Sui made a seaweed egg soup, roasted spareribs, fried pork with green peppers, and a portion of seasonal vegetables.

Xu Sui lowered his head and drank soup. He found that Zhao Shuer was always staring at his mobile phone and forgot to eat.

She reminded with a smile, "What are you looking at? Do you have a boyfriend in your mobile phone?"

Zhao Shuer recovered and said with a smile, "No! Recently, I have been obsessed with a model. I always look at her every day. She is really too royal and fascinated me. She is so beautiful and has a cool personality. Hey, I read her social webpage every day, and I have been about to bend by her.

"Who is it?" Xu Sui lowered his head and bit a bean.

"Nuo, let me show you if she is particularly beautiful. She is a popular model abroad. It seems that she is going back to China to develop. She also has a lot of fans in China and is very popular."

Xu Sui casually raised his eyes and fixed his eyes when he saw the woman on the mobile phone screen.

As if a key switch had been triggered, the deliberately sealed memory in my mind was turned on.

Xu Sui suddenly remembered the smell of perfume of pine girls in the air in that extremely sultry summer.

And Ye Senin said confidently as he tore the yogurt lid, "We weren't together because he said he didn't want to lose me."

When the camera turned, it cut until Xu Suiming knew the answer clearly and asked him abusedly, "Have you liked her before?"

Zhou Jingze nodded and said, "Yes."

Zhao Shuer is still talking about Xu Sui's new idol:

"She has a really amazing sense of lens. She looks good and wears everything. Remember the last time FG's new model was launched, it was because she wore to Paris for a show, which led to the robbed of this series of-themed clothes. Moreover, as soon as she returned to China, she took three luxury endorsements, five product endorsements, and invested in Ye Senining. It's not a loss."

Xu Sui's ears were like tinnitus, making a buzzing sound and he couldn't hear anything. She lowered her head mechanically with white rice, feeling that it didn't taste anything. Finally, she ate half a bowl of rice and didn't eat it anymore.

During the noon break, Xu Sui stayed in the office, took out his mobile phone, searched Ye Sening on the Internet, and several relevant links popped up on the webpage.

"Model Ye Sening returned triumphantly from Paris and intends to develop in China."

"Ye Sening's first thing to go back to China was to register on Weibo and increase fans by five million overnight."

"Ye Sening's mysterious relationship."

Compared with the past, Ye Sening is more beautiful. She has become a star from a famous model.

Xu Sui held his mobile phone and clicked on a video interview about Ye Sening. In the picture, the reporter asked, "Do you have the will to return to China for development?"

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