Being Hit by a Villian's Quick

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(Before the internships)

A quiet weekend and day off for Y/n Midoriya aka Lady Phoenix was what the heroine wanted as she was with Rumi-chan and Nemuri-chan walking the streets of Musutafu, Japan talking happily with shopping bags in their hands til an explosion filled the air in front of then.

Y/n: "Ugh, so much for a relaxing day. Rumi, Nemuri, shall we?" She asked while the three women cracked their knuckles and ran into the fray fighting off a gang of five villians that is until the young heroine saw a another sneaking behind Nemuri. "Midnight!!" She shouted out as she pushed her friend out of the way only to get hit by the attacker's quirk instead while her friends took the group out then ran towards the Number five heroine.

Rumi: "Number five are you alright?" She asked while helping her up from the ground as Midnight picked up their bags.

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm okay but we should leave once the police get here." She said seriously once everything was taken care of the three separated and headed back to their homes.

The Next Day

An alarm clock went off in Y/n Midoriya's home before it was turned off and the heroine walked out of their bed and took a relaxing shower still sleepy from yesterday then wiped the foggy mirror off yawning deeply.... wait.... deeply?

Tired evergreen with gold flakes eyes opened up drastically to see short h/c hair, a muscular physique and then... oh God! The now changed heroine called Nezu to talk about what had happened yesterday before getting dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and one of their larger muscle tank tops they usually slept in while talking to the police about the quirk they got hit with. The now male hero walked out of the house to see Izuku waiting for them for school.

Y/n: "Zuku?" His voice was deep yet kind but as well smooth making Izuku's head snap up in shock. "I got hit with a gender swap quirk yesterday." He said honestly but Izuku looked in pure shock so he was picked up by his now older brother while flying to U.A.

Y/n stopped at Nezu's office to pick up what their agency had gotten for him clothwise as their support staff made a male version of the hero's costume. He got changed in their office quickly before walking through the school's halls and into Class 1-A.

Y/n: "Good Morning class, you've got a lot to go over today including some training before your internship offers but before that any questions?" He asked as he looked up to notice everyone was staring at him before Mina raised her hand up. "Yes, Mina?"

(Male Y/n is this ratio of muscular)

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(Male Y/n is this ratio of muscular)

Mina: "Who are you and are you single?" She boldly asked making Y/n and Izuku looked at her shocked

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Mina: "Who are you and are you single?" She boldly asked making Y/n and Izuku looked at her shocked.

Y/n: "Mina.... okay first off, class it's me, Y/n Midoriya. Yesterday I was hit by a Villian's Quirk that changed whom ever was hit with it into their opposite gender for twenty-four hours, so I guess you all can call me, Sir Phoniex for now." He said honestly before he began answering questions left and right til Midnight showed up to tackle hug him onto the floor. "Oof! Midnight,What are you doing?"

Midnight: "Eeeekkkkk!!! My little pupil really has become a man!" She squealed out happily while pulling the hero up from the floor and patted down his muscles bit by bit. "Strong, lean, and handsome! Perfect ten!" She said as a few girl students blushed bright red.

Y/n: "Nemuri-chan..... enough." He said seriously before pushing the woman out of the classroom while Aizawa gave the kids the opportunity to see what heroes handled day by day from Y/n's sudden change. Y/n was sparring with Katsuki without breaking a sweat. "Come on Kats, you can do better then that." He taunted the boy knowingly before flipping him over his back onto the mat below. "Alright! Head to the showers kids!" He called out as he sat down drinking from a water bottle before running his free hand through his damp hair. "This is going to be a long day..."

And it was a long day mainly with every class the from the ashes hero was constantly flirted with by their female students and fellow teachers even Nemuri got handsy before he had glared at her angrily. Y/n flew back home with Izuku on his back and dropped him off at the apartment smiling and hugged their mother albeit shocking her a good bit til Izuku explained what happened.

Later that night, Y/n Midoriya met up with Fatgum and Ingenium at the number five's house for drinks and dinner and both were shocked by their friend's new look. Soon after a few beers, Y/n was laughing hysterically at the comedy movie playing on their television in between Fat Gum and Ingenium then he soon passed out from the long day the number five hero had especially when during the hero's fly back home from dropping off Izuku, because Hawks flew into them with puffed up wings, narrow pupils and a territorial stance.

Y/n: "Oh, shit... Hawks easy does it, it's me, Y/n." He said seriously til he was tackled onto the ground by their home as they two fought with their feathers and strength til the now male Phoniex hero had placed Hawks in a tight headlock letting a familiar scent into their friend's nose: Campfire wood burning, apples and rosemary.

Hawks: "Y/n?" He questioned as the hero let him go to look at his friend "What the hell?" Y/n sighed softly before explaining what had happened yesterday before pushing the red feathered hero away from him.

Y/n: "Hawks, I think it would be best if you left til I change back. You looked like a male bird protecting their female mate when you know dang well we aren't dating." He said seriously as Hawks nodded before flying off.

(Filler Chapter of Sorts!)

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