66: Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot

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Kirishima was shot in he head by the only villain who wasn't caught by Fat Gum and Tamaki. The red bullet with the needle at the end bounced off Kirishima's forehead. Thankfully he used his hardening quirk in time. He then glared at the villain.

"That guys mine." Kirishima said with determination.

"Defective piece a junk." The man with white hair and uneven teeth growled at the gun he was holding. He saw that the bullet didn't do anything to the red head.

"I figured that would hurt more." Tamaki said with a confused but relived look.

"Suneater! You're all right, that's great!" Kirishima said excitedly.

"Move! Outta my way!" The villain said as he ran away in fear.

"On it." Kirishima announced to Tamaki, Fat Gum and the other officers. He then ran after the villain.

"Wait, I'll use my tentacles." Tamaki said and aimed his hand in the direction of the villain. Barely anything came out his fingertips.

'Why isn't it working?' Tamaki thought worriedly. Kirishima continued running after him.

"Don't go runnin' off! That's just asking for trouble!" Fat Gum ordered but the red head was already to far away to hear. "You good? I'm gonna go after him?" The pro asked Tamaki who was looking at his hand with confused worry. "Other heroes'll be here soon. Fill em in!"

"I'm not hurt but my quirk won't activate!" Tamaki quickly informed before Fat Gum could run after Kirishima. The pro hero turned around with confusion.

"Is Eraser around or something?" He wondered. Meanwhile Kirishima was still chasing the villain into a dead end. Apparently the villain has a quirk to create 10centimeter blades on his body. He then took a red test tube and jabbed one end into his neck. Then suddenly the blades on his body extended to about 7 feet in length.

The police finally showed up and arrested the group of villain they did catch.

"Thanks to you guys we were saved. These criminals are part of a gang selling illegal drugs around this area. We've been looking for a change to nab them for a while." The police officer explained to Tamaki.

"That must be why my quirk wasn't working. You shot me up with something." Tamaki asked over to one of the villains who was in cuffs. He scoffed at his question.

"Heh. You think I'll spill for you, Chicken Foot?" That sentence cause Tamaki to immediately turn away and face a nearby wall.

"A-Anyway, leave the rest to us. We'll handle it." The police officer slightly shuddered at the sight of the nervous hero.

'Kirishima. Fat. I have a bad feeling about this.' Tamaki thought to himself.

Back to Kirishima's brawl. He stood in front of the man with blades coming out him.

'It's like he suddenly powered up. I've heard about drugs that boost your quirk and stuff on the news, but this is crazy. If he gets back to a busy street, it'll be a disaster. I have to end this. Right here.' Kirishima thought in determination. He then realized that the bystanders were still there.

"Everybody! Find someplace that his blades can't reach!" Kirishima instructed to the bystanders. The villain then attacked Kirishima by making the blades at the front of him longer. Surprisingly the blades were deflected by Kirishima's hardening but his skin was still being cut.

"That's what you get for bein' cocky hero. You talk all big about manliness, but my boys say the age of you so-called good guys is crashing down in flames. Than means the world will belong to people like me who live in the shadows ha, ha." The villain said as he retracted the blades back into his body. "Oh man, I'm on such a crazy freakin' high right now. I think I might take your advice and go bust up some heroes to save my friends" He said with a crazed look in his eyes.

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