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That's where you are right now.

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Narrator's Pov
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A boy stands lonely on a dock that has no harbour, which runs into the river which bears no name.

He looks around, and as if coming out from a trance, he recoils.

Y/n: 'What the. . .' Where am I?

???: You are in the place the soul goes to before it dies.

He turns around to see a shrouded figure.

Y/n: What do you mean? Did I. . . .die? And who are you?

???: ※Chuckles※ Yes you did die, from too much pain, and it was quite a sight, to be honest.

The figure waved their hand, showing a picture of Y/n dangling from a hook with his legs smashed, and body bruised.

Y/n: Woah, h-how am I even standing?

???: You aren't, ※Hides Picture※ I'm holding you up with my magic. ※Snap※

Y/n: Wha- ※THUD※ AACK!

He screams in pain and watched his legs turn purple from bruising and bled from bones piercing the skin.


???: Quit your screaming, panicking raises your blood pressure, increasing blood flow. . .


???: Making you die faster. . . . Are you really gonna keep screaming there?


???: Tch, I liked you better before you fell down, fine, hold still.

They lifted Y/n up and healed his legs.

???: There, you should be able to keep your mouth shut.

Y/n looks at his legs and didn't feel any pain.

Y/n: Tha- ※Falls※ Agh! What was. . .I can't walk!

???: Yeeeah, because of what you did before, I'm not fully healing you.

Y/n: You assho- wait . . . What do you mean by before?

???: Maybe this will remind you.

The figure crouched to Y/n and removed their hood, revealing a beautiful woman, she has long hair which braids around her head as if she had a crown.

She kissed Y/n on the lips and he nearly recoiled in shock but her gentle touch on his face. . . . .soothed him.

Y/n: 'Her touch. . . .why does it feel so nice?. . . . .※Eyes Widen※'

His eyes turn white as a tsunami of memories rushed through his mind.

He falls back as the woman stands and walks back, disappearing into the mist, leaving Y/n shaking from his mind being flooded with memories.

???: Soon. . . Y/n.

Y/n's shaking slowly comes to a halt and he passes out but not before saying a name.

Y/n: Momo. . . .

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Unknown Location
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Y/n sharply opens his eyes and slowly gets up.

Y/n: Where. . . .am I?

Looking around, he sees he's in a circular room with a weird ceiling as if it were a clock.

Cripple (Male Pro-Gamer Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now