chapter 86

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The emperor walked into the room with a couple of guards everyone in the room kowtow at his entrance he immediately turned to the body that was covered by a cloth.

"What happened?" He asked

"Well" the doctor avoided eye contact "it seems that the concubine died of an heart this morning"

"Heart attack" the emperor said

"Yes she was just preparing to enter the young prince's party when she suddenly held her chest and calapse on the floor" the servant said.


Everyone turned to see Shui at the end of the room with fists clenched as he marched up to them.

"No way my mother would die of heart attack" he yelled

"Zheng Shui" the emperor said gently

"Lies my mother was completely healthy t-there no way she'd leave me behind!"

"Your highness" the doctor whispered

"Get the wit- no get aunty he'll know"

"Zheng Shui he only deals with herbs on tonics and medicine he can't bring back the dead" the emperor said

"Ofcourse he can't B-but my mother dare not die so simple !" He yelled

Deep rage was in his eyes.

"What do you seek to fine? Even if you find it won't bring your mother back"

"I don't care I'll avenge my mother!"

Even though Shui yelled the emperor turned his head away.

"Go call my concubine"

After a while

"Yes your imperial majesty" he said

Le Huan looked around his nose felt itchy.

"Aunty did my mother really die of heart attack"

Le Huan looked at the emperor then he nod he went over and then observe the body he took up the person's wrist then he open the person's eyes.

They all wait patiently anticipated finally Na Juan stop he stand then cover his nose.

"Yes indeed she died of heart attack"

The emperor close his eyes prince Zheng Shui was ready to shout but Juan stoop down.

"Your highness please don't disturb your mother's passing I'm sure she wanted you to be happy on your birthday so for her"

A servant came with a box bow and hand it to Shui he took it and open it what was in it was a beautiful green jade beside it was a letter he took out the letter.

My Shui mother is not strong to protect you
But she wants to see you happy she knows she is stupid but mother wants to be smart so for you Shui mommy will be smart mommy loves you dearly so please forgive mommy for being stupid.

"Mommy" tears dropped down on the paper "your not stupid Shui is wrong"

Soon the little boy broke down in tears as his painful cries spread threw the room he could remember back to the days when his mother was hugging him and playing with him now those days were gone.

That night Shui stayed with concubine Han Rui the emperor was with Le Huan.

"You found out something" the emperor said

Le Huan nods at his suspicion.

"I see Shui is still young he doesn't need to know that his mothers death wasn't sudden his too young to have vengeance and hatred in his heart" the emperor said sipping the tea.

"Just like you?" Le Huan asked not sure

"Yes like me anyway let's no go there tell me what you found out" he said

"She was poisoned" Le Huan said

"How come the doctor didn't-"

"He wouldn't the person who did it clearly knew what he/she was doing if consumed or inhaled directly it could easily be detected but if mixed with another substance that's often intake then it wouldn't be detected" Le Huan said.

"You seems quite knowledgeable on that"

"Yes I know a lot on topics like this but trust me I don't take life unnecessarily" Le Huan said

"Unnecessarily my love would you kill for me" he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"I don't know" he said

"Don't know don't kill for me don't do anything for me" he said holding Na Juan's hand "don't spill don't kill don't endanger yourself don't take another in sake of saving mind"

"You know how you sound right now" Le Huan said a bit upset "what someone were to kill-"

"Then let me be killed"

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