Chapter 11

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It's technically not the 2nd yet where I am, but I'm sure it's already the 2nd somewhere in the world.

One day, Sasuke will look back on exactly this moment and realize that this was the point where everything went downhill. But unfortunately, today is not that day. Instead, he watches with detached amusement as his classmates collectively freak out over the people invading their field trip.

They aren't even half an hour into their field trip.

"How were they able to get in, sensei?" Kaminari wonders.

That's a very good question, actually. One that would've been great to ask the last 2 times multiple people from a budding terrorist organization broke into an educational institution filled with literal children.

This time, Sasuke decides to do the bare minimum. As much as he wants to make life a little harder for the League, that doesn't mean he's completely willing to give himself up to the "heroes," of all people.

"We have sensors, of course... but...." Thirteen's voice trails off. The sensors aren't working. Wow. What a shock.

Aizawa immediately takes action by jumping forwards to meet the intruders before they can reach the rest of the class. The intruders prove to be mindless thugs, as Sasuke thought they'd be, and are taken down almost immediately.

He probably already would've met anyone with actual power, or at least have been informed of them in advance, but he wasn't so that means it's just Kurogiri and Shigaraki here.

No... that can't be right. All for One wouldn't show up to something like this but Kurogiri and Shigaraki alone can't take on several pro heroes and children with martyr complexes. What is he missing?

Kurogiri appears in front of the students and explains their motive behind all this, very dramatically, in Sasuke's opinion.

Bakugou and Kirishima leap forwards and attempt to punch... the mist. They try to punch mist.

It doesn't work.


They're all scattered to different parts of the building. Some aren't moved, like Sasuke, the dude with 6 arms who reminds Sasuke too much of Kidomaru, Iida, buff spandex guy, and a few others.

Thirteen instructs Iida to get back to the school as fast as he can and warn the teachers.

Iida makes a big fuss about it while Sasuke tries to think of ways to be involved without really involving himself.

The life of a double agent. How did Itachi do it so well?

It takes a bit of convincing, but Iida eventually agrees to go.

If Sasuke had been a lesser ninja, he would've said something snarky, but his attention is drawn to where Aizawa is fighting Shigaraki.

Sasuke doesn't have to wait long for his question of "what is he missing?" to be answered.

"What the fuck is that." He mutters. It seems his sentiment is echoed, because it has the rest of his classmates staring at the new challenger in abject horror.

A large, somewhat semi-human creature exists Kurogiri's mist. It's brain isn't protected, it's pink and fleshy and everything you'd expect from a brain. Sasuke's seen his fair share of brains, mostly courtesy of Orochimaru, really. Sasuke isn't in the habit of killing people via brain removal and he's not really interested in human experimentation. Enough time with both Kabuto and Orochimaru made sure he'd never grow an interest for it.

It's a hell of a thing to not mention to the person they're trying to get information from.

Things are rapidly growing sour for the heroes, and by extension, Sasuke.

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