Chapter 23

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After waking up from a deadly night, I opened one eye, trying to get used to the light that shone in my room. Then, I hopped off the bed and headed for the showers.

After scrubbing my head with shampoo, I rinsed it out and put on some body wash. Huffing, I got out and dried off.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I stared at the dark circles under my eyes. I blinked, trying to see if it was another hallucination. Nope, it was real.

Pulling some clothes on, my eyes wandered around the room, landing on a paper. The paper I wrote on last night. Walking, I reached the table and picked up the paper, re-reading the piece.

A Father, it whispered. I felt like asking Beth more about this guy. Something just pushed me to do this, so I did.

Running downstairs, I grab an apple and pop it in my mouth, my teeth grabbing hold of it, as I grab my car keys. I bit the apple and opened the door to my car. I am pretty sure Beth would be at the pack house since Zach is her mate.

Pulling up at the mansion, I walk over to the door and knocked. I heard running from inside and Kayla opened the door.

Kayla is 5 years old and she is the cutest little girl I couldn't have ever imagine. She is also Zach's younger sister.

(a/n: Zach is a delta pack rank 😉, guess I never mentioned him).

"Is Beth here?" I ask smiling. "Yes she is," she motioned for me to come in. As I stepped in, my phone rang. I looked on the screen and saw a text message from mom.

"Come on, follow me," she waved to me as she turned a corner. I swiped the screen, wanting to multitask at the same time. I turned the same corner Kayla turned and quickly texted my mom back.

Mom: Where are you? You have training!

Me: I'm at the pack house and why today?! Ugh! Anyways, when am I training?

I turned the phone off, as Kayla stopped by a door. "They're in there," she whispered, "Zach said to not distract them." I shrugged and she walked off. Knocking the door, I heard shuffling and a giggle.

I mentally rolled my eyes as the door opened, revealing a tired, yet happy, Beth. "Sorry for waking you up so early-" Zach cut in, "and me!" He shouted.

"Sorry for waking you two up so early, but can I talk to you for a while?" I wanted to get all the questions cleared in my head. "Sure," Beth replied, then she went over to Zach- despite the fact that all mates likes to eavesdrop- and whispered something in his ears. She walked over to me and closed the door behind her. "Let's go for a walk and a talk," she some how smiles easily, because she had a wonderful night sleep, I assume.

"Do you remember when we were talking about the whole cell thing?" I start, peering over at her she stops. Her voice quavers as she said, "Yeah, why?" I suck in a breath and motioned, "Come on, let's go sit down somewhere with more privacy." We walked back to the secret garden. The silence among us lets me gather some questions. Like,

Why were you two the only ones being held in a seperate room?

Or I could talk to her about personal things. Like,

Why do I keep having weird feelings about this guy?

We finally made it, and as I crawl through the bushes, the fresh aroma of flowers fill my nose. After climbing through, I motioned Beth to sit down. This can get a little sticky.

"Beth, I don't know why, but I keep having weird feelings about this guy," I mumble these words out, but surprisingly she hears and answers back. "I don't know either, I kinda get this strange vibe when he comes back in- from being a lab rat- and when he speaks to me." Beth plays with her fingers and starts breathing heavily.

"Calm down Beth, it's alright- um, what kinda strange vibe sets off of him?" I asked curiously. "I don't know I can't explain it." I nod my head towards her, "okay, I promise this is the last question I ask of him, you said that he kept mentioning his family," she nods her head and I continued, "did he mention any names?" The question just flew out of my mouth, I didn't even catch what I said.

Beth, although, seems to be thinking, then she answers, "I think so, I heard him mumble something in his sleep, something like Exavier and Lilac or something- I mean he was mumbling, he was talking about how proud he was of them because they were his son and daughter."

Those names sounded so familiar, I just couldn't quite place who it is. Beth got up, interrupting my thoughts. "Is that all you wanted?" said Beth, twirling her thumbs. "Um, yes, yes, thank you," I said unsure. I walked her back to the pack house talking about school and part time jobs.

Once we arrived, Beth invited me to stay with her, since Niall was introducing her to the pack tonight. "Sure," I simply reply. Guess I'm going to miss training, oh well. "Oh," Beth clasped her hands, "I almost forgot, your helping me get ready." I groan, but agreed.

"Which one?" Beth held up a purple floor length dress, with simple waves on it and jewels lining the collar. The one to her left was a knee high mint colored dress, it is strapless and has floral prints on the skirt portion.

"Um... the mint one," I muttered. "Oh, and put this cardigan over it, Zach's gonna get jealous," I exclaimed, then handed her a light blue cardigan. After she dressed up, I put some light makeup on her and waved her hair.

"It's perfect!" Beth exclaimed. I laughed at her enthusiasm and walked towards the door. "Where do you think your going?" Beth crossed her arms. "Out?" I pointed towards the door giving her the obviously look.

She shook her head and said, "your getting dressed." My eyes widen as she pushed me into the restroom and handed me a dress. "I picked it out or you, put it on," Beth slammed the door, giving me some time to put the dress on.

It was white and had lace lapped on the bottom portion, it ended right under my knees and it had lacy sleeves. I took my ponytail out and let it fall down. I brushed it out, leaving it silky smooth.

"Hurry up girl," Beth whined. Honestly she wasn't this bossy when I found her. I opened the door, letting her squeal in delight. "Yes! It looks perfect, just wear these white flats, and I will wear my brown sandals," Beth squealed again, making me cover my ears.

"Let's go," me and Beth looped arms and exited the room. Once we got outside, the chatter of 'people' got louder. It was crowded, squishy, and yes, it was already night time. "Zach!" Beth yelled. I spotted Zach, just as his head turned around. "Beth!" Zach rushed over and embraced Beth. "You look lovely," he whispered in her ears, making her blush. I scooted farther away, giving them space.

Until I was far enough (wasn't that far), I turned around to bump into a chest.

******** ⚓ ********
A/N it feels like years ever since I have updated. Hahaha, left a blank there for ya. 😁 boring chapter, blah blah blah. Thanks for reading anyways! Love y'all!

XOXO- Qutedimond

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