thirty nine.

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Harry's phone rings loudly cutting off the conversation, making his mum sigh as we eat dinner. 

"It's business, I have to take this" Harry excuses himself. 

"Harry you're the boss can't it wait" His mum says. He shakes his head answering the phone and pushing his chair back with a squeak, she looks to his dad exasperatedly and he carries on with his dinner. 

Harry doesn't come back after 10 minutes, we finish our dinner and his sits half finished in his space. I eventually give up hoping he'll come back and can't help but laugh at his brother's charisma. I help Anne to clear the plates after, thinking it's only polite that I do so considering Harry invited me to their family weekend and has since done nothing but work. 

"I'm going to show Flora around, seeing as, Harry hasn't bothered" Eddie announces. Grabbing two wine glasses and a bottle of wine easily in his large hands. I bite my lip awkwardly. 

"Of course, I don't know where his manners are sometimes" Anne sighs with a kind smile. Eddie beckons me out the door with a nod of his head. My stomach lurches a little as I can't help but oblige, wondering how mad Harry will be as we go into the dimly lit hallway. 

"Maybe I should go check on Harry.." I say reluctantly.

"No, why would you do that, he's so boring when he's doing business" Eddie sighs. I smirk slightly, he definitely is. I prefer non work daddy, so much more. He leads me up the large stair case. 

"Where are we going?" I ask. 

"The library" He says. 

"You have.. a library?" I ask, shocked. I mean I don't know why I would be so shocked, this house is incredible. 

"Yeah, you're a smart girl right, thought you'd like the library" I ignore his compliment. 

"Smart and beautiful" He laugh as he backs into a large door which creaks open and lights flick on automatically, revealing a room lined with floor to ceiling book shelves and a large fireplace surrounded by velvet covered sofas. It's warm and smells like old leather bound books. It's probably the most interesting room I've been in and I resist the urge to drift over to the shelves as Eddie heads to two high backed arm chairs near the fire, a dark wood coffee table between them, on which he casually places the two glasses. Pulling the cork with his teeth easily, non-plussed as he fills the two large glasses. Gesturing to me to take a seat. 

I oblige, sitting up straight and still looking around the room. 

"I'm actually alright for wine" I say, I'm not good on wine. And I'm not getting drunk anywhere near Eddie.

"No I insist" He holds it out and I take it, not wanting to be rude. I take a sip of the dark red and heady wine, the strong taste lingering long after I've sipped. He takes a long gulp, holding the glass easily in his hand. Which are strong and large and tanned much like Harry's, minus the tattoos. 

"I thought you were showing me around?" I chuckle, confused and taking another gulp nervously, to hide how uncomfortable I am, in case Harry comes looking for me. 

"It's a bit late for that now, you should have reminded me before we sat down" He shrugs carelessly, grinning. I wish I saw Harry's smile more often.. I wish he would outright grin sometimes. Eddie's smile is so similar, apart from he doesn't have the dimples like Harry does.  I realise as Eddie pours me my third glass of wine that I'm quite drunk and his questions are becoming more and more intrusive. 

"So you're into that stuff.. with Harry.." He asks. 

"Depends what you mean by that?" I mumble confused, he licks his lips. Pink from wine. 

"Well punishments.. would you do anything he wanted?" He asks. I don't want to admit I'd be scared not to. So I stay quiet. 

"Does he control you Flora?" Eddie asks. 

"Huh? Um he's my boss, I mean" I stammer. Eddie rolls his eyes.

"Do you ever think it would be fun to control Harry?" He asks. 

"I couldn't.." I say. 

"You could" He coaxes. 

"How?!" I demand. 

"Act, like a very.. very bad girl" Eddie says. I look at him dumbfounded as he licks his lips. I look away awkwardly, down into my wine glass. 

"You know how to do that.. right?" He leans forward, looking at me in the eye. Moving my wine glass from my hand and placing it safely on the table and putting his fingers through mine. Pulling me from my seat gently and into his lap. Wrapping one arm around my waist and leaning in kissing the corner of my mouth gently, it feels weird not having Harry's hair tickling me, and Eddie's hold is more gentle. 

"What I mean is, scare the hell out of him, then see who's in charge" Eddie says softly. Kissing my lips gently. I pull back as the door handle clicks. 

"What the fuck is going on?" It's Harry. I jump from Eddie's lap. Should I feel guilty. Harry acts like he hates me a lot of the time. Eddie smiles looking over to Harry as I watch Harry's temper build up. 

"Oh hi bro" Eddie grins broadly. 

"You two are looking awfully fucking cosy" Harry says, through his gritted teeth. 

"Well why would you care.. you can't have her, she's your employee. Just, imagine if dad found out" Eddie says. Winking at me, I shake my head. 

"Flora, come here" Harry growls. I hurry to him, I don't understand Eddie.. 

"What is your problem?" Eddie says, dumping his glass on the table and standing up. 

"My problem is you can't seem to distinguish between what's mine.. and what's yours" Harry says, the atmosphere is prickly, tension is radiating from Harry like I've never seen it before. 

"Harry girls aren't toys, they do what they want" Eddie laughs. 

"Flora doesn't" He says, so deeply I struggle to hear it. 

"I can't believe you're still fucking crying over what happened 7 years ago. So what, your girlfriend got bored of you, so what she fucked me and I got her pregnant! So fucking what Harry! Get the hell over it!" Eddie shouts. I hold Harry's wrist as he stares at his brother, trying to forget about what I just heard. Eddie stands confrontationally. 

"Harry.. come on" I plead. Wanting to get away from Eddie. 

"Please.."  I beg, tears threatening. Pulling him from the room. He shakes my hand from his wrist as he descends the stairs. 

"Harry, I'm sorry" I say, following him. 

"It's not you" He says barely audible. 

"Where are you going?" I mumble, upset. 

"For a drive. Go to bed, I'll be there in the morning" He says, leaving me barefoot on the cold flagstone in the hallway. 

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