Chapter 11

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I went to go cuddle with Peter on the couch after the meeting. Maybe I fell asleep because next thing I knew I was in Peters bed, tucked under the sheets. I woke up gagging, I ran to the bathroom, hand over my mouth. When I got to the toilet, I finally was able to uncover my mouth. Peter came up behind me gathering my hair to hold it out of my face. I was done throwing up and now I was crying, my throat was dry and I was feeling awful. I got up to look in the mirror, I looked like shit, I turned on the sink washing my face and washing out my mouth.
"Are you sick, y/n?" Peter asked rubbing my back. "I don't know..." I answered confused. I summoned myself a pregnancy test, after I peed on it I went to go cuddle with Peter again. "What if I am pregnant... will you still want me?" I asked Peter. "Oh, y/n I will always want you, you will always be the one for me." he said kissing my head.
I 15 minutes later...
"I don't wanna look at it!" I yelled laughing. Me and peter were play fighting, who ever tapped out first would have to see the results. I flipped him over straddling him. "Tap out pete!" I yelled. He did. He walked over to the test and flipped it over. He just stood there.
"What does it say?" I asked slightly scared. "Your pregnant, y/n!" He ran over to me, hugging me tightly. We both started to tear up. "But the real question is... whose is it? Thor's or Loki's?" I asked. "I say Loki's!" Peter yelled. "No! Not another Loki!" I said laughing.
A few months later...
I am 5 months into this pregnancy and like how Wanda was pregnant, my magic was a little out of control. Yelling or getting mad would cut the power in the tower. Getting sad or just tearing up and the sprinklers would go off. On and on. Peter would mostly be the one to comfort me, but that wouldn't be so easy anymore sense the boys are coming back today and they don't know about the pregnancy.
I walked out into the kitchen wearing an oversized hoodie and Peters boxers. I got a spoon full of peanut butter and went to sit on the couch. Peter was gone on an mission and the others tried not to bother me as much. Bruce walked in. "Y/n you wanna check the heartbeat and see them on the ultrasound?" He asked kindly. "Yes please!" I got up happy as all get out. I loved seeing my babies, yes... babies. Apparently they are twins. I walked to the medical room with Bruce, waddling. I sat on the bed as he prepared me for my ultrasound. I looked at the screen looking for my baby's. "You want to know the gender this time?" Bruce asked. "Yes actually, I do." I didn't want to know the gender of the baby's until I gave birth but I might as well be prepared. "Ok so this one looks to be a boy and the other a girl!" Bruce said cheerfully. I started to tear up, the sprinklers started to go off. Bruce was trying to calm me. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... just so happy ya know!" I said wiping my eyes. Bruce helped me off the bed and I went back to the living room. Loki and Thor were sitting on the couch. I waddled in. "Y/n! What a happy surprise..." Thor said dragging out as he saw my baby belly. "Ya... I know... I am pregnant... what's up?" I said going to sit on the other end of the couch. "Nothing much just got done with some prince and king business," Loki started to say, "Thor here actually got an date here on Midgard!" Loki said happy. "Mmm... wow" I said nodding not amused and trying not to be so rude. Peter finally got back from his mission. "Peter! Babe!" I said getting of the couch and waddling towards him. He gave me a kiss on the head. "How are the babies?" Peter asked rubbing my belly gently. "Oh, they are doing great and they are a boy and a girl just like you predicted!" I gave him a peck on the lips. "Told you!" Peter yelled. The boys just stared at us. "What?" I asked getting a little pissed. Peter held my belly from behind me, gently lifting up the weight. He gave me pecks on my neck, I just held his face. "Nothing just thinking about whose baby that is?" Loki said suspicious that it might be Peters. "It's not Peters, and I am thinking it's yours, Loki," I said leaning back onto Peter. "Peter is gonna help me take care of them though, he is already helping me out a lot!" I say looking back at Peter, smiling brightly. "Well, don't you think that the babies should be living in Asgard, If they are really mine," Loki said in a snarky way. "No I don't, Loki. I THINK THAT THEY WOULD BE PERFECTLY FINE HERE!" I yelled my eyes turning blue. Thor hit Loki on the should trying to tell him to stop. The lights went out. "Babe, calm down," Peter said while rubbing my back, Peter is able to calm me down very quickly. The lights went back on as soon as I calmed down. "Now if you will excuse me I am gonna go make baby shower plans with the girls," I started to waddle out.
Peters POV
"Why did you push that onto her?! Don't you see that she is pregnant?!" Peter began yelling at Loki. "Well if they are either mine or Thor's, she would have to come be queen." Loki stated. Peter fell quiet. "Well brother she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to." Thor said. "I WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE HER TO YOUR WORLD AND LET YOU HURT HER ANYMORE!" Peter yelled. Loki and Thor fell quiet. "Now I am gonna go talk to Tony," Peter walked out.
Lokis POV
"Well then we really 'fucked' up," Loki said. "You think? We got a Valkyrie that has Magic pregnant with twins," Thor said while rubbing his head.

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