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In life we win some ,we lose some like I always say "LIFE NO BALANCE.

"Mum,tell lisa to stop all this".my 16 year son stormed into my bed room.
"Mum,its all Daniels fault,he is not letting me have my privacy like I ought to".

She said as I watched her sit next to me.
"So Daniel why????

:mum am just bent on trying to be the best brother"

"Not invading into my privacy, at least have never done that to you.

I smiled at my two children.
"Mum,so you won't say anything abi".
Daniel said take a bottle of water from my refrigerator.

"Or should I tell mum about you and Marcus?
Daniel said raising his eyebrows............

You guys are now matured,so what have I been missing?

Just then my love walked out of the bathroom.
"Who is Marcus?
The children's father he took his sit beside me.

"Lisa,who is Marcus?.
I asked.
"Just just ,my crush".lisa thundered.

I chuckled out loudly.
"Baby,your kids are.............

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