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The large oak desk with piles of ridiculously large files flies across the room and hits the wall, splintering into a wooden mess and papers flying everywhere. The chair goes next, nothing left of it. I take a deep breath and try to calm my shaking hands.
Motherfucking Taehyung! Why did he not tell me about this shit happening?! Has the little prick forgotten I'm still technically the King? I need to know when shit happens!
The guard clears his throat, looking uncomfortable in the presence of my outrage tantrum. "Your majesty, I apologize for bringing such news. We've been keeping eyes out and felt you needed to be alerted quickly."
Gritting my teeth, I nod curtly.
"Kim Taehyung, Min Jimin, and Min Jungkook are already on the move to an unknown location. We were tracking them from a distance before they pulled over and disappeared." He frowns, bowing. "I'm sorry for our incompetence, my lord."
"It's fine. You are dismissed."
He leaves at once and I'm alone in my destroyed office. Cursing, I stalk over to the window and stare out. My fingers eager to break something else.
Kim Seokjin and Yoongi were both taken by that crazy vindictive vampire and no one thought to mention it to me? Why the hell did Tae go straight to Jimin and Jungkook and not think to come to me? Do they not think me useful as King to help them? It pisses me off to no end. Do they think me unnecessary?
I glance at the door and feel the tension melt a bit. Hoseok looks in at me nervously, our baby girl bouncing lightly in his arms.
I need to calm down. "What do you need?" My voice now soft and gentle.
He nibbles on his bottom lip. "I heard you talking. Are Yoongi and Jin missing?"
I take a shuddering breath. "Yes. Zico took them last night."
His eyes widen in surprise. "Why didn't the others come here and let us know?" I'm glad he seems to be just as upset about being left in the dark as me.
"My same concerns, darling."
His mouth twists. "How could those little assholes not tell us! Of course we would help them! Do they not remember Yoongi is your best friend?" He huffs. I love he's angry for me. My best mate.
I walk over and peck his lips softly, loving the plush feel against my own mouth and it soothing me immediately. He whines.
"I'm going to make sure to properly remind them that we are useful." I sigh. "I'm going out."
He frowns. "I want to come—"
"Of course you can't, love. You have to take care of Dea. I'll return soon." I hug him closely before kissing Dea's tiny forehead and heading over to put on my jacket. I'm going to knock some sense into all of them. How dare they leave me out of the rescue of my best friend!
       "Be safe." Hobi whispers, pouting a bit.
       "I will, love. Be waiting for me when I return." Smiling a little.  
       He smiles back but I can feel his tense eyes on me as I head to the car. Now I'm leaving him out and hate it. No choice though. His job is to protect our daughter while I take care of them both.

I drive into the city and dial Taehyung first. Of course, as expected, the prick ignores me. I dial Jungkook second. Also no answer.
Frowning, I call Jimin but still nothing. Okay either they are all being assholes or something is wrong. My senses lean more towards the latter.
I try hard to remember the two warehouse locations Taehyung purchased years ago. I was with him when he bought one of them but the other...I don't have any clue the location.
I turn the car towards the one I can remember and hope it's the right one. I stop and stare at the large dark building in the middle of a deserted street. It's silent but that means little. Of course they would want to be discreet.
Hesitantly, I climb out and try to make myself as invisible as possible as I head inside. I vaguely remember an underground basement connected to the place.
I listen but hear nothing. Frown deepening, I walk deeper inside but pause when a scurry of footsteps echo somewhere in the distance. Then a voice.
And another voice.
I curse in my head. Fucking idiots.
I take my time walking across the huge room and behind a pillar i see a sight that gives me a sense of sick vindictive satisfaction.
I make myself known, crossing my arms and examining the scene before me.
Taehyung and Jungkook are hung up by their wrists with chains attached to the ceiling. Jimin is nowhere to be scene. Smirking, I straighten up, feeling petty and quite content.
"You seem to be needing some assistance. Too bad there doesn't seem to be anyone able to help." I click my tongue in disappointment.
Jungkook at least as the sense to look guilty while Tae just glares at me. "Fuck off, hyung. Get me down!"
I sigh. "I'm sorry. I can't hear you over those loud chains. Come again?"
The dumbass growls at me, trying to kick me but I'm too far out of reach. Grinning, I tsk. "Too bad you didn't think to invite more help. Could really use it, huh?"
"I hate you." He hisses.
Jungkook looks down at me. "I'm sorry. We should have let you know when Yoongi disappeared but we were distracted by him." He huffs at Tae who rolls his eyes.
"Don't blame me!"
"It's true!"
I clear my throat to stop their bickering. "Where's Jimin?"
"He was...taken."
"Wow." I laugh. "You came to save two but ended up losing three." Funny.
"We were wrong!" Jungkook frowns. "Please."
I look pointedly at Tae, wanting him to say it. He scowls at me full of rage. "I'm waiting."
"We don't have time for this shit." He mutters, looking away.
I make myself comfortable, glancing at my watch. "Not until you say it."
I pleasingly watch as he battles with himself a long time before growling at once. "Should have called you. Cocksucker. There. Let me down now!"
I scoff. "Really? I suppose Jungkook and I don't need you..."
He sniffs, expression black. "I...was..." He grits his teeth, breathing hard. "I was wrong. Let me down, motherfucker. Please, hyung."
I smile widely. "Not so hard, right?" I climb up and release them both. He lunges for me but Jungkook beats him to it and tackles him to the ground, punching and kicking him repeatedly. I'm quite happy with this new development. Jungkook's vampire dynamic is quite amusement.
Tae doesn't bother to fight back much, more annoyed than anything, the fucker. "This isn't my fault. Get off me!"
I don't bother to help him up as he tries to dust off his dirty clothes. He looks disheveled and like the crazy psycho we know him to be. It suits him.
I can't stop smiling. "Shall we?"

Owned; sequel to CovetedWhere stories live. Discover now